Fire EPA Staff or Cut Them in Half? – IOTW Report

Fire EPA Staff or Cut Them in Half?

25 Comments on Fire EPA Staff or Cut Them in Half?

  1. “Going to” doesn’t cut it. Headline should say something like “entire department eliminated.” I’d like to have someone splain why we need more than a couple dozen. Move that couple dozen into some office that deals with folks who’ve lost their jobs.

  2. Cut by 85%. Remove all authority for enforcement or rulemaking. Research only. It was rumored the agency became heavily armed under Obama. Get to the bottom of that.
    On existing EPA regs, they should also be cut by 80%.
    Scour all emails….

    Then we can begin prosecutions.

  3. Devolve the EPA back to the States. Keep an EPA office open in Washington that only has authority to step in and take over to remedy a situation that the States can’t and only then with Congressional permission. I suspect sometimes that central authority would be needed. They become something like a very small FEMA but with way stricter controls and a narrow mandate.

  4. It would be better if EPA was eliminated. Removing the easy path for it to again grow into a monster. But I doubt that can be done, but at least cut it back till only 15% remains, and the ones left know they better do real science or they too will get the Gong faster tha they can say EPA.

  5. Was going to say Fire every one of them – they are all compliant with tyrant rules. Put the people back in control — we never requested to be treated as slaves or prisoners. F(word) the EPA!.
    But cutting them in half would keep them from sneaking back in and continuing their attack on our freedoms. So lets go with that.

  6. These agencies Trump wants to bring to heel are all well-armed. The EPA alone has a couple hundred fanatical soldiers with the latest weapons. Firing may not be an option. He may have to send them forms A-10 and F-18.

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