GQ Gives President Trump a Makeover – IOTW Report

GQ Gives President Trump a Makeover

GQ gives Trump a makeover, but it’s not his looks that they are interested in changing. It’s his possession of every character flaw GQ can think of.

Can someone please, for the love of God, provide examples of these charges?

I’ll give them misogyny because it’s not even worth arguing. Misogyny is defined these days as “not a homo.”

Racism? Class Warfare?? Corruption???

Where? When? How?

I’ll give them Islamophobia because why would you even have to answer to a made-up charge? What the hell is Islamophobia?

ht/ illustr8r

20 Comments on GQ Gives President Trump a Makeover

  1. Why don’t we just change a few of those descriptors around and we have a perfect description of obama for all those GQ morons – except they were considered positive “character traits” when he was president:




    Class / Race Warfare



    This is why nobody with a functioning brain cell has ever taken GQ seriously for anything other than bird cage liner.

  2. When the pink bow ties start showing up with the Vitalis slick back on Trump and his crew with no pushback will be when the takeover by nerve agents has begun.

  3. What they coin misogynistic, used to be considered a desirable, healthy, exciting attraction between a man and woman, and they should thank almighty God for that as none of them would be here to espouse such drivel.

  4. What the hell is Islamophobia?

    The fear of being:
    blown to bits while enjoying an espresso,
    run over by a car,
    shot at while sitting in class, at work, or out in public,
    killed while collecting baggage at the airport,
    bombed out of the sky sitting in first class,
    Knifed in the gut while shopping for a jacket,
    Shot while signing up for active duty,
    Bombed when standing by watching a foot race,
    Getting my head chopped off for no apparent reason,
    Shot while dancing in a night club,
    getting my clit chopped off,
    getting raped at age five,
    being married off at age nine,
    bombed out of my bunk while sitting in port.

    by some dude on a Mohammedan suicide pact.

  5. He doesn’t look better, he looks like an action news reporter from a local tv station. I like the way President Trump looks and hope he doesn’t change a thing. Crazy lefty bastards!

  6. Truthfully, I expected to become a misogynist in 2017 after being a racist for the past 8 years. If you told me a year ago that I would become a Russian Troll after the election I wouldn’t even know what to say. What’s worse, being Putin’s bitch or a woman hater?

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