Announcement: Winner of the NAME THAT SHOW contest has been selected! – IOTW Report

Announcement: Winner of the NAME THAT SHOW contest has been selected!

Dianny was chosen  to judge the Name That Show contest –

Congratulations to… Well you’ll find out.
And way to go, runners ups!
Thank you all for participating, and a thank you to Dianny for judging, and providing a nifty prize for the winner!

Now, check out the results, at Patriot Retort:

A Hillary TV Show?

The other day, I stumbled across an article from the UK Daily Mail with this headline:

‘I’ll be back!’: Defeated candidate Clinton considers launching liberal television show to lay the groundwork for ANOTHER White House run

My first reaction was, “Oh, dear Lord. Just go away!!!”

I mean who the hell would want to watch Hillary Clinton do a TV show?!

Would you want to look at that face for an hour?

And don’t they realize that Hillary’s popularity plummets the more we’re subjected to her?!

It’s insane to give that woman a TV show!

But then I got to thinking, what would you name a TV show hosted by Hillary Clinton?

I got ahold of my friend MJA over at and suggested she hold one of their infamous contests to find the name.

She did. And she asked me to be the judge.

So, with 299 entries by the time the contest ended, I had quite a few to read.

There were so many good ones, I broke it down into three categories.



17 Comments on Announcement: Winner of the NAME THAT SHOW contest has been selected!

  1. I’m amazed at the clever things that come out of this site. There are a lot of smart people here. It’s too bad we don’t apply our energy and talent toward making America great aga….
    Never mind.

  2. Well, congratulations, and all that stuff …
    but jus cuz I don[‘t enter no witty “titles” and stuff is’nt not any reesons that I shouldna’t a not won something!

    I’m smart! reely! I’m smart@ and I soulda one something, if even a nonerable munchkin …

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