Federal court grants emergency stay temporarily HALTING deportation of visa holders detained at US airports after nationwide protests – IOTW Report

Federal court grants emergency stay temporarily HALTING deportation of visa holders detained at US airports after nationwide protests


The federal court for the Eastern District of New York issued the stay Saturday evening after only two of 12 refugees held at JFK airport were released. The ACLU had filed a petition on their behalf, but the stay is effective nationwide, meaning none of the travelers held at airports across the nation can be sent back. A crowd of protesters gathered on Brooklyn’s Cadman Plaza Saturday night, in front of the court that issued the stay (right).

Earlier on Saturday, Donald Trump defended his new immigration bans, which prompted outrage as migrants were barred from entering the United States – including families of refugees, legal permanent residents and Ivy League students. He maintained that the ban was ‘working very nicely’ while chaos broke out in airports as migrants were stopped and some non-American citizens realized they were now barred from the country where they were studying or had lived, perhaps for years.

Reports of dozens of people being stopped from entering the US or booted off airplanes have been pouring in. Protesters rallied throughout Saturday at New York City’s JFK airport (center), where 12 refugees were detained. Demonstrators also gathered around the country, including in San Francisco, Chicago and Minneapolis, to speak out against the ban.


11 Comments on Federal court grants emergency stay temporarily HALTING deportation of visa holders detained at US airports after nationwide protests

  1. Extreme vetting might also be tied together with sponsorship.

    This way the sponsor can also be held accountable for any spontaneous terror that might occur at some point in the future.

    While the hysteria being promoted by the media is meant to stir negative emotions, it is actually a good thing. People are looking into the backgrounds of those people being held in detention.

    Politics doesn’t have to be all love and kisses and neither should be our policy on National Security be either.

  2. from the DM article
    “The measure means detained travelers cannot be deported back to their home countries, but it does not force authorities to allow them into the US. Judge Ann Donnelly ruled that sending them back would expose them to irreparable harm.”
    So it is, in fact, still in full effect. They are not entering the country as the executive order intended.
    The splodin heads will continue.

  3. Yeah, well every time some judge in a funny black dress struck down an Obama edit he just went right ahead and did it anyway! Hey, lefty dolts, the precedent has been set!

  4. You’ll be shocked to learn the judge is an obama appointee. Same kind of ruling released in Virginia from judge Leoni brinkema, bill Clinton appointment.

    Funny how AP story left that tidbit out. These judges are going to be an ongoing problem. Placed on purpose.

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