Woman Turned Away From Doing Business With Frame Shop Because She’s a Trump Supporter – IOTW Report

Woman Turned Away From Doing Business With Frame Shop Because She’s a Trump Supporter

The frame shop denies they turned away a woman that wanted to frame some memorabilia from her trip to the Trump Inauguration.

The woman says the shop is lying, backpedaling because it’s beginning to explode on the internet.

24 Comments on Woman Turned Away From Doing Business With Frame Shop Because She’s a Trump Supporter

  1. Shallow mind abandons perfectly good green. What a dope. Looking forward to the Going out of business sale. Might not happen in that liberal shit stain of a town though.

  2. Keep it up assholes. I hope you go out of business. I once installed a ceiling with a soffit the shape of a penis, with high hat lighting. over a board room desk shaped like a penis. This was in mid town Manhattan. The guy was a millionaire and pretty famous;
    queer as a 3 1/2 dollar bill but very friendly. He even bought us lunch To me, a catholic, it was just a job. Intricate, and it took talent to do it right. Just sayin.’

  3. They’re probably more interested in framing jihadi beheading memorabilia than American history. Accidents happen even in aspen co. Just sayin’. Melt lil snowflakes, melt. Meh!

  4. Yup. I called my hair salon right before the inauguration because I need an emergency cut/color. This is my favorite hair place in all Seattle — been sitting in that chair, forking over the big bucks to the salon owner for years. Her response to why I needed a short notice service was a big mistake. The shame is I really like her and the other gal who does my hair there. They live in such a bubble, don’t they?

  5. That’s hard to believe. TWO conservatives in Aspen? That’s a bastion of filthy rich liberals, like horse face Kerry. A vacation destination for folks who made billions because of competitive free market capitalism but they all support the communists.

  6. They don’t have a website, they’re idiots if they think Facebook or the chamber of commerce is a website. Fucking amateurs. Pffft. Have at it, they’re out of business already, just too stupid to know it. 1980 is calling and wants to see your business plan. D3rps.

  7. Goose, gander, sauce.
    Bakery, wedding farm, frame shop.
    I wonder if CO has any applicable laws that can be used against the frame shop? And would the gubberment be willing to do it?

  8. Nobody can throw the book at them because conservatives are not a protected group. Blacks, gays, lesbians, the gender confused are on the books as protected from discrimination.

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