Police Removing Vermin Disrupting and Blocking Airport Customers – IOTW Report

Police Removing Vermin Disrupting and Blocking Airport Customers

ht/ c. Steven Tucker

36 Comments on Police Removing Vermin Disrupting and Blocking Airport Customers

  1. Trump said he was going to be the law and order President! Glad to see the police have the “handcuffs” off so to speak to go out there and arrest this vermin.

    I’d also hope for some good jail time for these people and send a message this is no longer going to be tolerated.

  2. One of the few lengthy videos I watched start to end.

    Uplifting that the police can actually DO something.

    So sad that the liberals have told these mindless idiots think they have the right to be disruptive, rude and stomp on the rights of others, in their protests.

    America is loosing its patience for immature, professional protesters. Americans voted for President Trump. Were tired of lawlessness, elitist celebrity hacks, and do-nothing, forked-tongued, politicians. Get the hell out of the way. As obama said, ‘Elections have consequences’. No matter how you lie to yourselves, PRESIDENT TRUMP WON.

  3. @Varoooooom — Best question of the day! They’re called that by the same people who think ISIS are “freedom fighters” — the traitorous Fifth Column of our Republic, the Propagandist Media, formerly known as the main stream media.

  4. Tickles me to death watching the pepper spray tears.
    Man up snowflakes, it won’t kill you.
    Our armed forces go into a building thick with tear gas as a Frisco fog, not that approved for public application pepper spray but full blown industrial grade tear gas.
    Then we get to take the masks off, such fun.
    What a bunch of babies.

  5. Drain the Academic Swamp!!! This behavior is being taught to these brats by Marxist anarchist professors on campus.

    Of course, those silver pony tail academics generally don’t show up at these things themselves.

  6. That’s the best video I’ve seen in a long time.

    Disappointed that there weren’t injuries to the snowflakes whiners.

    Sincerely hoping that those arrested are incarcerated, tried, and incarcerated again.

  7. Near the 1 min mark the mob message was getting muddled, then I could just pick out “mic check, mic check”, shortly thereafter the chanting becomes a unison “their not resisting arrest”.

  8. Their method of removal needs to be so unpleasant they won’t want to come back and repeat the experience. A quick spray with something that would give them instant uncontrollable diarrhea that last 3 days would work.

  9. I watched the “protest in Portland” and it made me sick.
    Martial law?? I’m all for it for a time until these anarchist’s are put away in some camp ground.. Beat a few heads-pepper spray a few eyes and kick some azz and then maybe they will grow up….

  10. Handcuff them, bind their feet, then dump them in an open field to lay there for 24 hrs. in the elements, heat cold rain or shine. Release them and tell them if they are caught protesting violently again, next time it’s 48 hrs. I think it all would cease pretty quickly.

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