Pelosi tells mother of illegal alien torture victim that illegals are law abiding – IOTW Report

Pelosi tells mother of illegal alien torture victim that illegals are law abiding

CFP: Nancy Pelosi is a disgrace. She’s an embarrassment, and she needs to be removed from office. We could probably offer a thousand examples of this horrific woman’s incompetence, ignorance, and arrogance, but what she said at last night’s Pelosi Town Hall takes the cake.

A grieving mother – a woman whose son was bound, beaten, tortured, and set on fire by an illegal – asked Pelosi a scathing question about sanctuary cities. Pelosi responded by saying that illegals are “law abiding citizens.”

In a sane world, that alone would be enough to finally, mercifully, drive her from office.  But we don’t live in a sane world, and the rest of her non-answer is just as bad.

If you can watch this clip without your stomach turning, you’re made of sterner stuff than I am.


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29 Comments on Pelosi tells mother of illegal alien torture victim that illegals are law abiding

  1. I believe that batshit crazy botox bobblehead broad also just said that “democrats are doing the Lord’s work”. I guess that means that the bangers coming from predominantly Catholic Central America are doing the Lord’s work. I guess that the democrats in Chicago are doing the Lord’s work on a daily basis.

    I think that Californians should shut up if a person who is here illegally approaches their kid, because he is definitely not an American “Republican” and is doing the Lord’s work.

    No crime committed by one of these non Republicans is happening, and if it is…Yep, it’s The Lord’s work.

    I like this spin game.

  2. We are having to endure much more of this demented woman than should be allowed by law. She seems to be around a hell of a lot more than the speaker—he hardly says a word. Time for more Botox. Go away Nancy!

  3. I watched Laura Wilkerson’s testimony before congress where she spoke in detail about the horrific torture and murder of her precious son. It was so heartbreaking on a human level and so graphic I dare say a ME would find shocking. To have the democrats on the panel to repeatedly speak in favor of sanctuary cities after listening to this courageous woman was a slap in her face.
    Pelosi comes from crime family stock and while the biblical principle “sins of the father” should be given, it ceases with free will & actions. She cares not for human life in the womb, certainly less when that life isn’t a future Dem voter.




  5. In California, they are going to pass a law that lets a person list 1 of 3 genders on the driver’s license!

    Here in America, we let politicians list one of 7 mental descriptors on their filing papers:

    1. Crazy
    2. Bat shit crazy
    3, Stark raving mad
    4. Lunatic
    5. Insane
    6. Loony
    7. Imbicile

    (Ps: Pelosi was qualified to list all seven)

  6. There has to be a way to pack enough conservatives in her next town meeting (pick the pockets of actual attendees for passes, pretend to be press, whatever) to take over and grill her on her choices, her beliefs, her willingness to sell out her faith, her lies etc. Just keep hammering at her, grab the mike away from any of her plants and film the whole thing. Then lets portions of that around the net especially in San Fran and San Jose.

  7. Her being on full display and being one of the primary faces of the Democrat party is a gift that keeps on giving. Let her keep running her mouth, having these off the wall responses and incoherent and bizarre hot mic moments. They want to double down on all the policies the majority just rejected – great. Now that more people have their eyes open let them see how kooky and crazy the left truly is.

  8. @I AM TOSK, I know how you feel. The pendulum swings so far to each arc, I wonder sometimes if I will ever be ‘normal’ again.

    But we are getting there. I don’t believe we will ever get back all of what we lost, but will get a good portion back. God willing.

  9. This may cause some alarm, Nasty Nanci, People who cross the border on their own are called “illegals” because they have no papers to make them legal, get It?

    illegals cannot be law abiding, or they would be called “legals”. Please refer to a dictionary if you fail to understand big words like “are” and “legal”.

  10. I believe she is deranged. She also appears to be starting her 4 year campaign to run against President Trump in 2020.

    Why would she be having town hall meetings, other to start her brand recognition?

    I don’t thing she has the intellect to pull it off.

  11. Hi everyone, you need to study up on immigration law. Go to the Cornell University law site and look up this section:

    Then go to USCIS’ website and look up the 1952 Walter McCarran Immigration and Nationality Act

    Then read up on Title 8 (Immigration and Nationality)

    This is what you need to study in order to debate a libtard on immigration.

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