Austria: Full-face veil ban in public places – IOTW Report

Austria: Full-face veil ban in public places


Austria’s governing coalition has agreed to ban full-face veils in courts, schools and other “public places” as part of a reform programme aimed at countering the rise of the far-Right in the country.

The agreement was made between the ruling coalition of Social Democrats and the centrist People’s party as Chancellor Christian Kern attempts to regain the political initiative from the far-right Freedom Party (FPO) ahead of next year’s parliamentary election.

“The full-face veil will be banned in public spaces,” Mr Kern said after the week-long negotiations concluded, adding that the ban will be implemented over the next 18 months.

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9 Comments on Austria: Full-face veil ban in public places

  1. The last great Muslim (called Turks or Ottoman Empire in some books just to cloud the issue) incursion into Europe took place in 1683 just outside Vienna when the Hapsburg Monarchy, the Holy Roman Empire and it’s associated allies defeated the Muslims and stopped, then turned back Islamic domination of Western Europe and the reason all of us aren’t kneeling toward Mecca five times a day. Maybe it’s a good sign this is happening there.

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