Law and Order Trump Threatens To Pull Federal Funds From Berkeley For Shutting Down Free Speech – IOTW Report

Law and Order Trump Threatens To Pull Federal Funds From Berkeley For Shutting Down Free Speech

Also, what about their HOMOPHOBIA!!!!????!!! They rioted over a gay man.

If we were racist for opposing Obama, they are homophobic for opposing Milo.

See his tweet HERE.

Ht/ mel

17 Comments on Law and Order Trump Threatens To Pull Federal Funds From Berkeley For Shutting Down Free Speech

  1. Declare a state of emergency for the Berkeley campus based on terroristic violence. Shut it down and cordon it off indefinitely.

    Leave it like that for about year and a half.

    Repeat as necessary.

  2. I see the tide turning slowly. Cops are beginning to crack down…they no longer have a hostile DOJ that will side with the feral snitpusses. About time. Quash this 10% solution tripe.

  3. Berkley has always been like that– even way back into the 60’s but these kids now a days feel more empowered than before. Remember what happened at Kent State?
    Let a few National Guards in there, they will clean up the mess…. 🙂

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