(Bumped From 2017)Booze at the movie theaters? Why not? It can only improve what Hollywood is churning out – IOTW Report

(Bumped From 2017)Booze at the movie theaters? Why not? It can only improve what Hollywood is churning out

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(Impromptu Contest Alert)

To boost flagging ticket receipts, theaters are beginning to peddle booze.

Milk Duds just ain’t paying the bills.

Hey, this could be a contest – DRUNK A MOVIE.

The Three Muscatels

Faced in the Crowd

Seven and Seven Ups

Saving Private Reserve

Day For Night Train

William Shakespeare’s Gimlet

The Wizard of Ouzo





265 Comments on (Bumped From 2017)Booze at the movie theaters? Why not? It can only improve what Hollywood is churning out

  1. That has been happening for awhile. Still wouldn’t help me to tolerate the liberal elite morons that can’t keep their mouths shut – Streep, Damon, Affleck — anyone in any of their stupid anti-Trump videos et al.

  2. The DVD killed all movie theaters for me, I haven’t been to one since the 90’s.

    1.) Booze is cheaper at home
    2.) I can hit pause at any time to take a leak
    3.) I don’t have to deal with people
    4.) By the time a movie comes out on DVD, etc., it’s well known if it will be any good.
    5.) My leather couch is way more comfortable than any seat in a movie theater.
    6.) Hollywood sucks anyway

  3. Who in there ‘right’ mind would pay to see a movie at a movie theater?
    Last movie I saw at a movie theater was Star Wars.
    I don’t watch any movie made after 1949

  4. Classic Line from “Thirsty Harry”

    (To the bartender) Uh uh .. I know what you’re thinking. Did he down six shots or only five. But seeing as how this is a Colt 45, the nastiest piss water in the world and will probably make me puke my guts right up, you got to ask yourself one question. Do I want to serve him?

    Well, do ya, punk?

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