“You have been against Islam since 1979 Islamic Revolution.” – Iran – IOTW Report

“You have been against Islam since 1979 Islamic Revolution.” – Iran

Don’t kid yourselves, we’ve been against Islam since our nation’s founding.

The 1979 revolution, however, returned the country to distilled authentic Islam after the country had modernized and westernized to a degree.  Authentic Islam is satanic, murderous, deranged, totalitarian, misogynist, homophobic, antisemitic, intolerant, dangerous and needs to be eradicated from the planet.

Iran before the revolution.

Trump is going to try and remove the Islamic cancer, and I support him.

In response to Trump Iran has banned our wrestlers from competing in the Freestyle World Cup. Boo hoo.

Tehran Friday prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said Iran would continue its missile program despite opposition from the U.S. government. The Trump administration said Thursday it is preparing to levy new sanctions on Iran in the first punitive action since the White House put Iran “on notice”+ after it test-fired a ballistic missile on Sunday.

“We have missile drills. Our missile drills are a show of our might,” he said. “We are living in a world of wolves. Wolves such as the arrogant government of America. In this world of wolves should we remain unarmed and they do whatever damn things they want? No way! This will never happen!”
Khatami said the new US new administration is reiterating an “old message” that has been aired by previous U.S. administrations regardless of their affiliation with Republican and Democrat parties.

“Your message is aimed at confronting religion and Islam,” he said. “You have been against Islam” since 1979 Islamic Revolution.
ht/ The Big Owe

10 Comments on “You have been against Islam since 1979 Islamic Revolution.” – Iran

  1. Damn straight.

    As a young buck I attended GWU, a few blocks from the White House in 1977. The Shah of Iran was his last state visit with Jimmy Carter. The Shah paid big money to bring in Iranian students from across America to show him support. They took his money but used it to protest against him.

    They had a parade of flatbed trucks as floats. Each one depicted mock hangings, firing squads and other very frightening things.

    I didn’t know about islam at that point in life.

    But these people freaked me out and it was obvious how dangerous they were. Less than 18 months later the Islamic revolution took over Iran, complete with images of American hostages.

  2. Daddy served in N. Africa, WWII.
    He was a stern, reticent , religious man. Deacon, Elder, never disparaged anyone, except Muslims.
    He told me to never trust a Muslim, no matter if they make you feel comfortable, they will fool you. He was giving me this from personal experience, never told many stories, just dispensed advice.
    So, since about 1962, I have been wary of Islam.

  3. PHenry, all those useful idiots who protested the shah were yearning for him years later; either that, or they were dead. The islamic revolution in Iran had lots of support from leftists. Where are they now? What do islamists do with leftists when they no longer need them? Not a pretty picture.

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