How low can the protests go? – IOTW Report

How low can the protests go?

Not to split pubic hairs, but you can’t ask someone to rape you.

ht/ bad brad

21 Comments on How low can the protests go?

  1. “How low can protests go?”

    We’re talking leftists here. There is no limit to the depth of their depravity, stupidity and willful ignorance. Hell’s the limit rather than sky’s the limit.

  2. Of course you can’t rape the willing, but partway through a sex act permission can be withdrawn and that activity must cease immediately. If it does not cease immediately, the consensual act immediately turns into a rape. In addition, in many Universities’ rules, a drunk female is deemed to be unable to consent to a sex act, regardless of her enthusiasm, and a male can be punished for this ‘rape’. Finally, sex with an willing underage person is also rape, regardless of their willingness. In the first case, the demand to be raped is not actually a rape, but can easily become one in less than a second in the above circumstances. In the other cases a person wanting to be raped can be technically guilty of rape regardless of their desires.

  3. They just can’t help themselves. They are compelled to display their ignorant stupidity.

    They don’t realize just how little, real people care about anything they say, think, or do.

    I am over feeling embarrassed for the fools Nancy Pelosi and her ilk make of themselves.

    The protesters are at the point of needing a giant cat to cover over the shit they have made of their lives. Someone throw a blanket on the liberal train wreck

  4. “We’re talking leftists here. There is no limit to the depth of their depravity, stupidity and willful ignorance. Hell’s the limit rather than sky’s the limit.”

    conservative cowgirl: Exactly, in addition to funds they’re receiving from the government, ‘other suppliers,’ and the majority don’t have to go to work in the morning. Until they are deprived of being on the government teat and are held accountable for/to themselves, it will continue.

    To plagiarize 17th century poet John Dryden, they should be concerned when our patience with their tantrums has run its course. Thus far, they are only practitioners in areas where they will have little to no repercussions for their actions.

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