Clothes Make the Progressive – IOTW Report

Clothes Make the Progressive

“Imagine my embarrassment when I was fire bombing the Chase bank and Seth was wearing the same exact Robert James as I was!”

In an all too predictable and uncreative move, fashion designer Robert James rolled out his radical chic line of leftist street bully wear Monday for New York’s fashion week.  Just to make sure his audience understood the theme, James had his male models parade around with absurdly ironic signs to match their totalitarian uniforms.



28 Comments on Clothes Make the Progressive

  1. “The look screams Occupy radical chic”.
    No. The look screams “20 yrs from now I’ll want to kill myself for strutting the catwalk in clothes that represented a period in history in which faux outrage for faux issues ruled the day and ruled me too, however, unlike an unflattering school pic I could shred into a million pieces, the Internet is forever”.

    Uber edgy trendsetters they are. Capitalist pigs!

  2. I wonder how the antifa and anarchist communists would feel when they learned that the funding for their terrorism comes from the same corporations and people they claim to fight against?

  3. Why do these guys cover their faces? Are they ashamed of the way they look?

    Maybe because they’ve been so woosey-fied they can’t come up with a threatening, male look?

    Really, they’re just a bunch of Lindsay Grammies.

  4. Uncle Al,

    I’m normally a Blue Jeans wear guy, Carhartt, but I have a couple pairs of 511 Stryker pants and they are awesome. With their mag pocket, and two Bianchi mag carriers you can carry 4 extra mags easily and comfortably.

  5. Ivanka pulled her own stuff from nordscums. I hear the store wasn’t upscale enough, go figure. Good for her. Nordscums is just barely above dollar tree, and just below Kmart.

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