Numb Nutz Giving Themselves Frostbite – IOTW Report

Numb Nutz Giving Themselves Frostbite


Doctors say it’s been around for years, pouring salt on some spot on your body then seeing how long you can hold an ice cube over it.  Idiots that attempt the challenge are ending up with permanent damage from the 3rd degree level frostbite wounds they create.


Video of the half-wit pictured doing the challenge Here




23 Comments on Numb Nutz Giving Themselves Frostbite

  1. Have there always been this much stupidity in society or have leftists and youtube created them? There’s a reason salt is used to remove ice from roads, nimrod. Nimrod with pink scars by now, probably. 🙄 He’s probably already reproduced, too.

  2. My Grampa Mohammed said that this is required of all devout moslems, he said and I quote “You must apply this fertility balm on you’re family jewels or feel the wrath of satan, I mean god… you know the little god”.

  3. Do it yourself cryogenics, save $$$$ on preserving yourself for eons, and come back when things are the way you wished it to be when you froze yourself.

    I see nothing wrong with this. We need to get behind it.

  4. I had a good case of frost bite from winter
    camping as a teen. All of my toenails on my
    feet fell off. Fortunately it wasn’t permanent
    damage, but, my feet didn’t start sweating again
    for about six years. That is pure nerve ending
    pain thawing your feet out in cold water.
    Another reason I live on a tropical island…
    and no snow either!

  5. I swear.
    “This is why you get old and die.”
    So much stupidity. Every day, you think: “Nope. Can’t get any stupider than this!” And then – WALLAH! There we go, all over, again – stupider than before – but not as stupid as tomorrow.
    It’s like a “Universal Stupid Contest.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Deplorable B Woodman FEBRUARY 5, 2017 AT 12:48 AM
    Once you get frostbite, no matter how much you warm up after, you’re permanently damaged.

    I had a date like that once…

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