College Aged Men Tell Liberals Why They’ve Jumped the Shark – IOTW Report

College Aged Men Tell Liberals Why They’ve Jumped the Shark

15 Comments on College Aged Men Tell Liberals Why They’ve Jumped the Shark

  1. Opps, i bet the liberals didn’t see this coming. looks like it’s beginning to sink in and these young ones are waking up. and it’s only taken a little over 12 days. i still think it’s going to get ugly out there for a while though.

  2. Gee Homer, liberals did that to Berkeley??
    Boy is he sadly informed.
    Everybody knows that was due to Right-wing fascists!

    Actually it’s refreshing to see a bunch of young people with their heads screwed on straight who aren’t ashamed to tell it like it is!

  3. Them smart whippersnappers lookin’ to brawl. I loved the dire warning he gave to liberals that this generation is growing up more conservative than has been in a long time. And I have three spawns who are following suit.

  4. The left WILL NOT change their ways or beliefs. Sooner or later they will have to be dealt with. First and foremost government funds must be withdrawn from their institutions. This will provoke them to violence (in the cities of course because the insane always shit where they sleep and besides they’re too cowardly to protest in red areas). Once provoked to mass violence they can be taken care of on solid moral grounds.

  5. JimB FEBRUARY 6, 2017 AT 11:58 AM “Billy Fuster… Believe me… You don’t want some kind of civil war. It will ruin the country.”
    The left has already ruined the country. If something isn’t done now, i.e. sending in troops, arresting activist judges and politicians violating the constitution they swore to uphold, there will never be a Great America Again.

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