Montreal Photographer Says He’s Not Interested In Taking Pictures At Gay Wedding – IOTW Report

Montreal Photographer Says He’s Not Interested In Taking Pictures At Gay Wedding

After a gay guy told him that he’d be taking pictures at a gay wedding the photographer said in an email-

Mike, I regret that I cannot take this wedding, because it is at odds with my religious beliefs. I’m so sorry and I hope you’re not offended,’

I certainly hope the story ends here, but seeing that this is Montreal, and that Justin Trudeau is a bit of the gay, himself, the devout photographer’s life is probably in jeopardy.

BTW, have you ever seen a creepier photo than the one with the guy showing his “engagement ring”?

 It’s not even the gay part. They just look greasy and sinister.

21 Comments on Montreal Photographer Says He’s Not Interested In Taking Pictures At Gay Wedding

  1. We’ve been told by Obama, Media and the courts that religious beliefs are not to be a litmus test on how you conduct your life or act, it cannot be tolerated by society.

    You must tolerate and support perverse behavior regardless of your beliefs (unless you are muslim. With fawning admiration of the left’s diversity, you can throw the perverts off the nearest building or slit their throat if they are family, it’s family honor, don’t you know).

  2. People don’t want to understand that nobody should be obligated to participate in a ceremony that they don’t want to. They accuse us of hatred, etc..I said to one person who reminded me that “I need to love them”, I do love you, I don’t agree with your way of life, but I do love you, like Jesus told us to, but I’ll not in any way, shape or form, participate in what I know is against God’s principles. The same Bible that teaches us to love each other, teaches us to love God first.

  3. No such thing as “gay wedding” so the guy has nothing to worry about.
    Except in fantasy land – where evil masks itself in every form of “rights” and “obligations” without any adjunct “responsibilities.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It seems like it would just be simpler to tell the gays you are busy and can’t take the job/bake the cake. Like the girl that’s busy on Friday night and Sat night and the Saturday after that. Eventually they will get the message and maybe avoid the courts.


    You people got it all WRONG! Do what the gay people want, but just do a HORRIBLE job at it so they will never come back, refund their money.

    “I’ll make your stupid cake, but do you REALLY want to eat something that I absolutely despise doing? Really, you trust it? Ok, here you go buddy, it probably has more of my DNA in it than you will swallow on your wedding night!”

  6. I quit the Catholic Church over a year ago after Pope Frank blurted his infamous “who am I to judge?” idiocy. You’re the fucking POPE, you idiot! You claim to be Christ’s direct representative here on Earth! You ARE the judge! So a lifetime of being a mackerel-snapping bead-rattler, pffft!

    I looked into joining the Southern Baptist Convention because at the time of their annual June meeting in 2015, they told all their member churches to DEFY the Obama Admin’s gay edicts. But I like to drink and dance so no Shoutin’ Baptist church for me.

    My fiancee’ and I just joined an evangelistic nondenominational Christian church that does worldwide missions work. At our new members meeting yesterday, the pastor welcomed all of us but explained very clearly and repeatedly that while ALL are welcome at our church, to be a MEMBER of the church you must agree that the only acceptable marriage is a marriage between a man and a woman as proclaimed in the Bible. We said AMEN! and couldn’t sign up fast enough. We looked at our finances, gulped and have begun titheing too. We’re excited. I can’t wait for my water baptism.

    If gay folks want to be gay, then whatevs. Just DON’T try to make me be forced to participate in your lifestyle by having to use an LGBT bathroom or changing room at a clothing store or locker room at a gym or bake them a gay cake or take pics at a gay “wedding” or whatever. It’s called TOLERANCE – you do your stuff and I’ll do mine. But all this militant Gay activism is the definition of INTOLERANCE.

    /off rant

  7. We’ve got a few crazies up here Canada’s gay community but I suspect nothing will come of this because just like all us Canadians our gays are too polite to hurt the feelings of someone else. Seriously, these guys would just take their business elsewhere. Now Trudeau the Younger’s feelings might be hurt but after the all the crap he’s stepped in over the last couple of months it’s unlikely he’ll say a damn thing. If we could only find a decent Conservative Party leader in the next few months Trudeau would be a one term wonder and back at the bar bouncing drunken college kids.

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