Left Threatens Yarn Store Owner With Rape – IOTW Report

Left Threatens Yarn Store Owner With Rape

Can you imagine? The triggered party, the women’s rights party, the anti-misogyny party has threatened a woman with RAPE because she’s not into the woman’s march.

The left is despicable, there is no other way to assess them.

The Federalist

When Elizabeth Poe saw video footage of the Women’s March in Washington DC the day after President Trump was inaugurated, she was horrified by all of the vulgarity on display. Women carried signs emblazoned with genitals, many repeatedly chanted curse words, and celebrities delivered speeches riddled with explicit content and threats of violence.

Poe, who has owned a yarn store in Franklin, Tennessee for five years, was frustrated that so many women wore knitted “pussyhats” to the march, ruining what once was a “cute little pattern.” When a woman visited her store the very next day asking for pink yarn to make a hat like the ones she had seen women wearing at the march on TV, she took to Facebook and asked customers who wanted yarn to make a pussyhat to go elsewhere.

By the time she pulled into her home garage at 8 p.m. that night, her post was already getting a lot of attention on Facebook.”I couldn’t get my mind around it, people were responding so fast,” she said.

She stayed in the car for three hours reading the comments on her post before calling the police to alert them about the threatening tone of some of the responses.

On Wednesday morning, a crew from a local TV station walked into her store to film, as her post had gone viral. By the end of the day, she had received about 200 phone calls. On Thursday, 700 people called the store, on Friday, there were another 300 calls. On these calls, she’s been screamed at, called names, and threatened with rape and other violent acts. Some of the callers just breathed loudly into the phone.


ht/ js


28 Comments on Left Threatens Yarn Store Owner With Rape

  1. Boy do I feel dumb, I had no idea there were yarn stores. My wife buys yarn at department type stores. I find it hard to believe a store could stay in business specializing
    in just yarn. Now I have to admit I live in a small town.
    I do remember hearing about a store that only sold lampshades. But it was in NYC.

  2. You’ll knit one-purl two when we tell you to b*tch, or else.

    Kudos to her, THIS is what a strong woman with convictions looks like. She has a wicked sense of humor too.
    Doesn’t seem intimidated, although I’d keep an atty on speed dial for the future restraining order, given that nutbag Ashley Judd lives 20 miles from her.

  3. Georgie Soros is trying his best to foment insurrection in our streets and civil war. Trump needs to send in the military and start wiping out these traitors to America. Give them what they want, DEATH. It won’t take but a few thousand killed to make the twinkies and snowflakes decide they need to stop and live.

  4. How about Vayjay steam cleaning. Call it something catchy like “Wrinkle Out” or something like that. And then we do a big disclaimer about not providing our service to feminists or progressive women due to on the job hazards and health concerns caused by poor personal hygiene.

  5. Maybe she misunderstood. Maybe they actually threatened her with “rope”.

    “Yeah – try to knit with that, bitch!”

    Well…maybe knot. But it makes for a good yarn, anyway.

  6. How they got from here to there; follow the tunnel down this rabbit hole:

    I think the difference is that we all had this line, this limit to the amount of racism and xenophobia and misogyny and just pure greed that we would tolerate in our society and when our country managed to vote such a person into office, well, we saw for sure that our country, our friends, our family members even, were over that line. We realized we should have never tolerated it at all. Not even a little bit.

    This sucked. It sucked hard. But it also brought into the sunlight what we didn’t want to believe was true. It was like the creepy uncle we always just didn’t sit next to at thanksgiving finally came out as a rapist and we finally decided to take a stand. And some people still want to talk about how uncle rapist is a nice guy and he’s never hurt us and we should give him a chance to show he’s okay. Just come to Christmas and you’ll see it better to all get along.

    No. We are ready to stand up now and say NOPE. No Christmas with the rapist. No democracy with the demagogue. No partisanship with racists. No shaking hands with those who continue to hurt people. Done.

    I don’t really care if the Joy of Knitting is a local business. She decided to call people who are asking for equality and liberty “disgusting.” She decided to stand with the status quo. This is the natural consequence. I face plenty of natural consequences for my political choices too. We’re at a point in the US where even silence is a political statement. So, I say everyone better be REALLY comfortable in the bed they are making, because they will lie in it.

    It’s a perfect example of the politicizing of everything. Lack of sense be damned. Oh, and a few huge dollops of crazy on top.

  7. Eventually, the practitioners of this violence (not the ones promoting it from their cozy offices) are going to pick the wrong victim at some point. This is a brave lady and I pray that she stays safe in respect of her rights and freedom to exercise them.

  8. ‘How DARE she side with the JEWS/CHRISTIANS! That sohn einer hündin! Rape her!!1!!’
    ^The rabid left sounds more and more like the actual nazis as times goes on. Interesting.

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