Katie Couric, abortion proponent, puts both feet in mouth pontificating about how the fetus can feel – IOTW Report

Katie Couric, abortion proponent, puts both feet in mouth pontificating about how the fetus can feel

On the abortion hand the left says the fetus is a bunch of cells, unable to feel.

On the transgender hand the left says the fetus can feel whether it’s male or female.

When people are lying, evil or stupid they can’t keep their stories, eh hmm… straight.

Couric is the trifecta.

Must see. Must share.

ht/ js


17 Comments on Katie Couric, abortion proponent, puts both feet in mouth pontificating about how the fetus can feel

  1. They know what they’re doing, but the money is too good to stop. Besides, THEY aren’t getting hurt by it [only they are, bc their souls are now corrupted], so who cares? Money and power rule over their lives, the innocent be dammed.

  2. I have a question that the Pro Abortion (or even those who claim to be Pro Choice) have never answered. Please feel free to try this your self and see if….
    1. They try to answer and end up just getting mad
    2. They get mad, call you a Nazi and refuse to speak.

    And so you ask, hat is the question that renders those who NEVER shut up…Speechless?
    “If your morals allow you to murder the most innocent among us, what does your morals actually stop you from doing?”

    MSG Grumpy

  3. So small incidence of intersex babies is where something has gone wrong – and we’re supposed to accept the abnormal as the normal and the 99% of normal as abnormal?

    Does not compute. I’ll stick with common sense.

  4. “bint” the word is “bint”

    as in couric, you’re a “bint”!

    The European Fecal Standards & Measurements Board in Zürich keeps track of the authenticity of its records. It is mentioned in the episode that “one Katie Couric is about two and a half pounds of excrement”.

  5. Bruce Jenner can “feel” anyway he wants…but if he gets the loseadicktomy surgery he’ll still have to get his prostate checked out every year.
    What about that, Katie?

  6. Watching liberals spin out of control reminds me of Jerry Springer.

    I guess watching people pop their brains, was astonishing at first, but realizing how staged it was made sane people turn away.

    The celebrities who think they are so clever along with the professional campus protesters, are becoming a lesson in the futility of hissy fits.

    As their shit-fits hit the fan, sane people don’t want to be fouled and move away.

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