This did not build this country, build skyscrapers, build the railroads, get us to the moon – IOTW Report

This did not build this country, build skyscrapers, build the railroads, get us to the moon

This is a testament to mental illness, failure, decadence, frivolity, weakness and decline.

This is not art, or fashion, or a deep statement. This is crap. This could be incinerated with fire and the world would be better for it.

Featured below is 2017 / 2018 men’s fashion collection by Palomo Spain.

I thought gay meant happy? Look at these wretched freaks. Quite apropos that this was from a site called Sad and Useless.

ht/ j

50 Comments on This did not build this country, build skyscrapers, build the railroads, get us to the moon

  1. I am gladdened by the realization that these creatures are in effect shrieking to the world, “Look at me! Look at me!” and that the small part of the world not ignoring them utterly is responding, “No. Go away.”

  2. “Sad and Useless” is somehow related to “Eat Liver”…
    …a humor website which has
    in the past few months become somewhat “political”…
    …in the most awkward sort of way…

    but, yes, it is most degenerate……….
    (…waiting for the Left to whine about “Nazis” and “entartete Kunst [degenerate art] and trying to ensnare us in their mental illness…)

  3. They keep telling me that President Trump’s immigration halt will cause ISIS to unleash a wave of terror attacks, but I’m pretty sure there are more provocative things. I just can’t think of any at the moment. Anybody have any ideas?

  4. 2 years active duty United States Marine Corps. Don’t give me the crap about no one wants them in the United States Marine Corps. Tough shit that’s what the Marines do they take pussies and make men out of them. Or the pussies die trying. My brother was a snowflake 20 years ago. The United States Marine Corps made a man out of him.
    He became a State Trooper; but he was a lazy good for nothing fart before he joined.

  5. That there are males who would actually stoop so low as to not only wear, but walk down a runway so that people could see them wearing those fag rags, makes me weep for our country general, and masculinity in specific.

  6. On it’s face this is “sad” but not entirely useless, in that it provides some insight to the mental state of those that would actually think this is “fashion”.

  7. For heaven’s sake. Was that a charity fundraiser to feed the wretchedly thin posers? My gosh, they probably had to be propped up, lacking muscles or strength to stand in their own.

    It is funny to think of how many people saw them and the first thought was horror, but just one lib said wow and they all fall in line.

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