$100,000 Damage to Berkeley Campus to Stop Milo – Tantrum Organizer Says They Will Do It Again – IOTW Report

$100,000 Damage to Berkeley Campus to Stop Milo – Tantrum Organizer Says They Will Do It Again

SF Chron- Organizers of the anti-Milo Yiannopoulos demonstration last week at UC Berkeley that ended in $100,000 worth of window-breaking chaos declared it a “stunningly successful” protest — one they’ll happily repeat if the right-wing provocateur tries to return to campus.

“We are happy with the results,” said UC Berkeley Law School alumnus Ronald Cruz of the group By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN. “We were able to meet Mr. Yiannopoulos’ fascist message with massive resistance.”

An estimated 150 “black bloc” anarchists attacked police with rocks and fireworks and used barricades to smash windows at the student union Feb. 1, forcing the cancellation of Yiannopoulos’ appearance.

“We are not affiliated with them, but were united in shutting down the Milo event,” Cruz said.

“Everyone played a part,” he said. “Some engaged in breaking windows — others held signs and made sure that the fascists and the police did not attack anyone.

“This was self-defense,” Cruz said. “Windows can be replaced. People can’t be.”

Protesters may have a chance to do it again.

The Berkeley College Republicans, who were sponsoring Yiannopoulos’ appearance, tell us they have met with university officials about the Breitbart News editor returning to the campus.

“He has said that he wants to, and we are looking into it,” said Pieter Sittler, a spokesman for the group. “Nothing official yet, but the club would like to have him back.”

Cruz’s take on that: “I would be surprised if he tries to after his humiliating defeat. But if he wants to be defeated again, he will be if he tries.”

26 Comments on $100,000 Damage to Berkeley Campus to Stop Milo – Tantrum Organizer Says They Will Do It Again

  1. Of course they’ll do it again. They don’t have to clean up or pay for their damage. All this just because you don’t want to hear someone speak at a meeting you don’t have to attend. This is a law school grad?

  2. Well, while we are on the subject, just got this in an e mail from the III Percenters.

    Just a bit of a heads up!!!
    There’s a new super funded & highly organized group, gaining some serious momentum. They are called #resist these dickbags might be looking to start trouble & riots. 5 or so Meetup groups with the name #resist start 5 days ago in different areas of the New York State (Example: #resist Queens, #resist Westchester, #resist Bronx, so on & so on).
    I was just told they have reached 35,000 members in 5 days. Keep an eye for this dickface morons & take note if they are popping up in other states. I take it will be fighting liberals physically & mentally for the next however many years.
    Intel via JC

  3. Racer X

    Last time around LEO was told to stand down. They were in the teacher lounge drinking coffee and eating donuts. That’s not a joke. Local media is also reporting the students that invited Milo there had to come up with an additional 60K for additional security. I hope they got there money back.

  4. This bullshit would have never happened if the campus and local police didn’t have stand down orders. If Milo goes back, then let the cops do their jobs, and hand out a few hickory shampoos and arrest and prosecute every black bloc asshole in sight.

  5. What ever happened to all those mythical FEMA CAMPS we used to read about on the internet. I would say these scummy maggots should be classified as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS and caged up like the animals they are and let them out after they pony up the money to pay for the damage…First Offense

    Second offense…send their ass to GITMO and leave them there!

  6. Milo ought to show up every Monday night. It sounds like he doesn’t actually have to stand on Campus property for these assholes to wreck the place. A few more of these and the Insurance company carrying the Berkley policy will be giving the Dean a call with the bad news. Then maybe the Dean will tell the campus police to do their jobs and get some of these people in custody so that their parents can be sued.
    Then Milo can hold a meeting in front of Ronald Cruz’s house (he’s the guy that organized the protest and says he’ll do it again) and Ronald can get a call the day after from his Insurance carrier giving him the bad news.

  7. Law Enforcement? No.
    Not even Peace Officers anymore.

    They’ve become politically correct, squishy bystanders of the left’s destruction of property and the right to free speech.

    The judiciary does nothing to punish the anarchist/socialist thugs as they are complicit.

    Equal rights, free speech and equal justice under the law are lost in the liberal zones of the US.

  8. I am at loss for words because of these “young people” with nothing better to do than protest. They need an azz kick’n and then their parents need their azz kicked as well for raising such trash….

  9. The police were ordered to ignore the law; expect no overt help from them. Target the ‘protesters,’ especially the ones wearing masks…hit and leave before the ‘police’ can react.

  10. Yakima Al: you are correct sir! They have the organizer who is proud of what he did, and the nave of his group; citizens of California should demand he pay out of his own pocket. Sue the asshole.

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