Stevie Wonder Lying All These Years About His Blindness? – IOTW Report

Stevie Wonder Lying All These Years About His Blindness?

Wonder says he’ll “reveal the truth” this year.

Dammit. I met Stevie Wonder. He seemed blind to me. But maybe he was faking it. Maybe this autograph was all part of his ruse—>

29 Comments on Stevie Wonder Lying All These Years About His Blindness?

  1. I agree w/ Eddie Murphy when he shared a road-trip with Stevie Wonder ….
    “being blind & singing don’t impress me …. you wanna impress me … drive the fuckin’ car!”

  2. Back in the 70’s, Andy Williams was on TV with Stevie on a live feed from So. Africa. During the clumsy video hookup, he asked Stevie, “Can you see me now?”

    Maybe he could . . .

  3. I remember the early 60’s when his name was, “Little” Stevie Wonder (American Bandstand?). I have no doubt of his blindness. If he isn’t, it’s been a heck of an act since he was at least 13, that I can recall.

    I have however wondered why his song, “Isn’t she lovely,” hasn’t been picked up by those of us that are, “pro-lifers,” and in a public manner. Maybe copyrights, I don’t know.

    I often think of our beautiful daughter when I hear his song after a complicated birth with my wife (still my wife 🙂 ). Happy to say, our daughter is in her (alllllmost mid) 30’s today:

    Isn’t she pretty
    Truly the angel’s best
    Boy, I’m so happy
    We have been heaven blessed
    I can’t believe what God has done
    Through us he’s given life to one
    But isn’t she lovely made from love

  4. Stevie, my man, dude. Just play music and outside of that, my brah, don’t say another word. You’re golden!
    Unless of course you need to do a little soul searching and come clean, well that’s your choice and we all have free will. Won’t change a thing that I feel about you! Keep the faith brother. HELLO!

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