Some companies ignore Trump, will move jobs to Mexico – IOTW Report

Some companies ignore Trump, will move jobs to Mexico


Despite President Donald Trump’s promise to stop companies from outsourcing production to Mexico by imposing a significant border tax on goods sold in America, some businesses ignore this threat.

Following his election in November, the Trump administration assembled a group of 28 business and labor leaders to advise on “on how best to promote job growth and get Americans back to work again,” as well as launching a Manufacturing Jobs Initiative. 

The Wall Street Journal published a report on Wednesday on some of the companies planning to outsource production. Here is what they found:

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19 Comments on Some companies ignore Trump, will move jobs to Mexico

  1. They’re banking on the idea that Trump is temporary, and Globalism is permanent. The best we can do is make them pay dearly for their craven cynicism in the short term.

  2. “They’re banking on the idea that Trump is temporary, and Globalism is permanent.”

    With good reason. Americans are notoriously somnolent and, given our exquisite, unique system, are conditioned to step back and let the gov’t work without a great deal of oversight – seeing as it is circumscribed by our Constitution.
    Most of us haven’t noticed the subtle changes that have taken place over the past 100 years (because we don’t live long enough to maintain the necessarily acute cognizance) and we are only in the educational (indoctrinational) system 12 to 16 years (and that broken up into sections) so it is only on reflection, as we continue to self-educate, that we become aware of the enormity confronting us nationally and civilizationally.

    Globaloney-ism, however, if not a conspiracy, is definitely a collusion of inter-National Socialism and the varying strains of totalitarianisms infesting the planet. ALL of them believe in the ancient dream (nightmare for the humans) of One World, One Nation, One Leader and are working feverishly to that end. If they seem a tad disconcerted at the past election, it is because they sense that in that setback, in this country, the message of Liberty may be heard again, and all their machinations must be re-done, or at the very least, intensified to dissuade the “fence-sitters” and other opportunists of the futility (and danger) of speaking out for Liberty and Freedom.
    They believe that the American people will be cowed into submission, as we were in the 60s, and allow the socialists/statists/totalitarians to run roughshod over us – ceding vast numbers of peoples and nations into their tender mercies.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I have a friend who wears an ‘Adios el Gato’ shirt on the job at Cat. He’s been banking on Cat moving his job to Mexico for the better part of the past 2 years. The Cat move to Mexico would afford him the opportunity to go back to school. Brewing & distilling to be exact, through a displacement program offered by Cat and the union.

    In recent months he’s been discouraged at this prospect due to Trump ragging on business’ moving to Mexico. In all honesty I think my buddy would be better off taking a new direction, he has some severe back problems. As a result, there’s one job I’m actually hoping will go to Mexico.

  4. Each company is entitled to do what it wants but must be prepared to deal with the consequences. Trump will do a trade deal with Mexico and the ramifications for US companies manufacturing there and trying to ship the finished product back into the States for sale could be tough on them. As far as when the Democrat/Progs win back the WH (it may be awhile but people forget) they may not touch the treaties especially if it means tariff money coming into government coffers. As far as GM and Ford moving their Detroit operations into Mexico I frankly don’t blame them. In Mexico they are likely to find more honest local government then they would in Detroit.

  5. I’m finally at the point in life I’m not struggling to make ends meet and could pay cash for a new car BUT:
    I have been driving a 1991 Nissan I bought new because I refuse to give my money to companies that don’t support America or Christian values. Which is all of them. I just hope it lasts as long as I do.

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