Time to Break Up the Ninth Circus – IOTW Report

Time to Break Up the Ninth Circus


It’s too big, too slow, and often wrong.

Senators are proposing a bill to break the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals into a smaller district and creating the 12th Circuit Court of Appeals.  The 9th would be left with California, Oregon, Hawaii and the territorial islands.  All the other Western states would go to the 12th.


The Federal Reserve has 12 districts, why not 12 federal appeals courts?

13 Comments on Time to Break Up the Ninth Circus

  1. It’s a start.

    Activist judges have got to be brought to heel.

    To heel, like dogs in need of correction.

    Preferably with the same methods.

    I expect a lot of these Lefty judges are on the take and some scrutiny will turn up secret accounts, undeclared large cash deposits, etc. Resign and be replaced, or face prison, or both.

    If that fails, check their homes for child porn and drugs. Time to clean house.

  2. The Libtards have had since the day Reagan left office to have their way, become more powerful and more entrenched in key positions of authority. Just look at our schools and our courts. It’s going to take some time and persistence beating them back into their basements. But dang I think we picked the right guy for the job.

  3. Better yet, create a new Left Coast nation starting just north of Camp Pendleton and extending all the way to Vancouver Canada. This nation would extend about 50 miles inland, like a Northern Hemisphere version of Chile. We’ll call it “Coast Strip One.”

    Then the 9th Circuit can finally function the way it really wants to function …. as the Supreme Court and the legislature for an entire nation. Maybe they’ll rename themselves “The Ministry of Truth and Justice” or “Minitruejudge” .. or something

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