Hillary Supporters And Liberal Reporters Spread Hoax Video Of ‘Racist’ Fred Trump Campaign Ad [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Hillary Supporters And Liberal Reporters Spread Hoax Video Of ‘Racist’ Fred Trump Campaign Ad [VIDEO]

Sidney Blumenthal is collection of fecal pebbles that has animated itself into something that walks and talks like a humanoid.

His son, Max, didn’t fall far from the scat. He is a balding, ginger wormwho follows in is father’s fecal footsteps. The two of them make a pair, a pair of douches.

Drop dead, the two of ya.

DC: Fred Trump, the late father of the president, formed an exploratory committee to run for New York City mayor in 1969. And as part of that short-lived campaign, he made a racist political ad that showed a drugged-out black man wandering the streets of crime-adled New York.

Or so says Sidney Blumenthal, the longtime Hillary Clinton pal who has earned the nickname “Grassy Knoll” because of his penchant for circulating conspiracy theories.

Blumenthal cited the failed Trump campaign and the ad in a 10,000 word article published in the London Review of Books this week.

 But an investigation by The Daily Caller strongly suggests that the ad Blumenthal cited is a fake. It’s also not clear that Trump ever considered running for New York mayor.

The ad’s first posting online appears to come from a Youtube account that specializes in publishing “Found footage from alternate realities.” The account deleted the video after being contacted by TheDC.

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14 Comments on Hillary Supporters And Liberal Reporters Spread Hoax Video Of ‘Racist’ Fred Trump Campaign Ad [VIDEO]

  1. Non of this shit will change until guys like this are found in a bloody clump in a trash container. An action like that will save lives in the long run. The left only understands one thing. Fear.

  2. Hitlery pioneered Fake News with this butt buddy. (Look at the energy expended by the Right pursuing the Halfrican’s birth certificate.) Then Obama turned around and created a news environment where nobody could tell what the truth really was. Only Trump is addressing it.

  3. “And as part of that short-lived campaign, he made a racist political ad that showed a drugged-out black man wandering the streets of crime-adled New York.”

    If true I’d say that “The Donald” hasn’t fallen far from the tree either. But his was a long-lived campaign that showed a drugged-out black man wandering the halls of the White House in corruption-adled DC.

  4. Reading Bllumenthal’s article, I was most impressed by the feeling that Clintons’ devoted followers are still unable to accept that Trump defeated Hillary. They still don’t understand what got him elected. They are willing to believe every bad thing about Trump, but can’t accept anything was seriously wrong with Hillary.
    They are going to have a very hard time explaining things if the missing Yoga Lessons/Wedding Plan emails turn up. Losing to Trump is unacceptable. He has to be discredited and destroyed.

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