Conservatism is the NEW Counter-Culture – IOTW Report

Conservatism is the NEW Counter-Culture

Paul Joseph Watson says, “We are the new punk rock”.  And, oh how it’s triggering the sjw snowflakes!

This is such a pleasure to watch.

6 Comments on Conservatism is the NEW Counter-Culture

  1. Been saying this for a while. The pendulum never stops swinging. Even popped collars on Polo shirts will make a hip redux. Gotta take the bad fashion with the good, I guess.

  2. Totally agree. It was a natural progression from punk rock to conservatism for me. Musical tastes also moved toward country. Weird how that happened, but they’re more antiestablishment than fake rockers like Green Day.

  3. Admittedly Oingo Boingo was more new wave than punk, but check out the lyrics from their first album. Only a Lad is full law and order, ridiculing liberals’ tendencies to rely on root causes to explain away criminal behavior.

    The song “Capitalism” is totally free markets and contains these lyrics, “You’re just a middle-class socialist Brat from a suburban family and you never really had to work. And you tell us that we have to get back to the struggling masses (whoever they are). you talk talk talk about suffering and pain, your mouth is bigger than your entire brain. what the hell do you know about suffering and pain anyway, dumb fuck?

    That was 1980 or thereabouts.

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