Hillary Clinton herself perhaps the least surprised she lost the election, aide claims – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton herself perhaps the least surprised she lost the election, aide claims

Ya, sure she was.

Tammy Bruce nails it —>

We’re to believe that the woman who was measuring the drapes thought she was going to lose?

And what about this, where Hillary drunkenly asks why she isn’t up 50 points in the polls.

25 Comments on Hillary Clinton herself perhaps the least surprised she lost the election, aide claims

  1. That’s a complete lie, of course. Its too late for Hellary to attempt to save face. It’s well known she went ballistic when Trump won the election and like Obama is Hell bent on undermining Trump’s presidency.

  2. What about the fireworks for the victory bash? What about all of those staff meetings for policy & personnel? What about the Clinton victory jumping spasm when they heard the exit poll results? Yea she knew.

  3. Fireworks aren’t usually ordered for candidates who are not fairly certain of winning. Packing thousands of people under a glass ceiling in the Javits Center isn’t something candidates worried about losing Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin do on election night. What makes me certain that this is all Leftist Revisionist History 101, was the presence of former Colorado Senator Ken Salazar at Hillary’s concession speech the next day. He was actually in New York City to manage the transition team for the first woman elected President. Blame it on Comey and the FBI. Blame it on the Russians. Blame it on Carlos Danger. Blame it on Obama. Blame it on anything except the obvious fact that America was sick and tired of Hillary Clinton.

  4. No problem Hillary. We had our own fireworks that night. And thanks again for bring a smile to everyone and showing us fly over people that we are great and we are going to do it again.

  5. When you look up the word Pathetic and Clueless there is a photo of Hillary.

    I would assume if enough people typed in pathetic and clueless and Hillary the algorithm
    would start showing HRC when those words are typed into Google.

  6. America wasn’t just tired of Hillary, they are tired of the whole Clinton machine and what it represents and above all what it promised and never did or even scratched the surface of in its historical failed existence. And we said, now, just go away. And now, it looks like we’re going to have to breakout the Raid to finish this roach infestation off for good. It’s time for the indictments to commence!

  7. A few commenters have pointed out the OBVIOUS slowing of the vid.

    It is apparent that the overt slowing is part of the presentation’s humor, and was not intended to convince anyone that HRC spoke thusly. Most of us have seen her counterproductive whine at full speed; and, though humorous, was made more so by slowing.


  8. I slowed the video down… long ago. It was a joke. It doesn’t change what she said, that she should be up by 50 points.
    My point was, is she drunk saying that?

    By the way. I slowed a video down 8 years ago and presented the person as drunk.
    Jimmy Kimmell started doing it 2 years ago.
    You’re welcome Jimmy.

  9. @wz_tspc: As BFH says, the slowed video was originally created as a joke. However, as seen here it was not immediately obvious (at least to me) that it was being presented in the same spirit. That’s why people were pointing it out, not because they didn’t get the humor in it.

  10. “Those darn grapes are probably sour, anyways!”
    “Being President probably sucks, anyways … not like being Mayor of Gotham!”
    (actually, I made that up – to the best of my knowledge, she never said either)

    izlamo delenda est …

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