Because It Needs To Be Replayed – IOTW Report

Because It Needs To Be Replayed

Certain posts just need to be reiterated because they are that good, salient and poignant.

Here’s one of them.

Gay Crowder goes to Muslim Bakery.

ht/ billy fuster

7 Comments on Because It Needs To Be Replayed

  1. Doc,
    The discrimination being pointed out by Crowder, isn’t against gays, but against Christians.
    A gay is denied a wedding cake by a Christian, all hell breaks loose, lawsuits are filed, the Christian baker goes bankrupt, AND still has to pay fines and take mandatory “sensitivity classes” (and pay for them out of their own pocket).

    A gay is denied a wedding cake by a Muzzie, …….(chirp, chirp, chirp…..).

    Get the point now?

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