Middle Finger News Goes All Project Veritas and Stuff – IOTW Report

Middle Finger News Goes All Project Veritas and Stuff

MFNS Exposes the Left’s Official Guide to Hounding the
Trump Regime Wherever They May Be.
We here at MFNS Inc. have always toiled to bring you what others dare not bring. Underground interviews, covert photos and leaked secret information as well as news stories no one else will touch.

After watching the protest of the new Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, we decided to do our own little ‘Project Veritas’ and covertly attend the local chapter of “Disrupt Trump for the Next 4 Years Bitches” and record the proceedings.

Due to budget restraints, mainly because our senior reporter that shall not be named EARL who travels quite frequently to exotic destinations like Acapulco,Tahiti and Monte Carlo chasing leads (we are still waiting for you to file, Earl) there was no money for a super-duper hidden video spy type camera. But we did get a hold of a old Sony Walkman off ebay to record the meeting on a used cassette tape thingy.

3 Comments on Middle Finger News Goes All Project Veritas and Stuff

  1. I was reading Diogenes and The Earl of T. (oh my) last night and rolling on the floor. I’m telling ya, them folks just ain’t right. But are the good.
    I was laughing and ready to see if I could find my old walkman to send to them. Oh and they could record over all my old Bruce Springsteen tapes, he is dead to me now.

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