Carlson Flays Wapo’s “Media Watchdog Erik Wemple” – Calls Him Political Hack To His Face – IOTW Report

Carlson Flays Wapo’s “Media Watchdog Erik Wemple” – Calls Him Political Hack To His Face

Erik Wemple self-describes as an “objective reporter” that covers the media. His job is to go after outlets that misstep. He actually believes that he’s an independent thinker, even though he goes after right-wing media almost exclusively.

Tucker Carson laughed in his face and asked Wemple,, in light of the recent outrage over Trump being “cozy” with Russia, why he has never criticized his own paper for taking money from Russia to print pro-Russian propaganda, a charge he didn’t deny.

Wemple went Wimple.

Carlson is a national treasure.

ht/ js

15 Comments on Carlson Flays Wapo’s “Media Watchdog Erik Wemple” – Calls Him Political Hack To His Face

  1. “…I appreciate the high-pitched laugh, Tucker…”

    The Carlson Titter of Ridicule is getting noticed, and they haaaaaate it. I think most of them come on his show thinking they can wipe that smile off his face. None have been able to so far.

  2. I cannot stand to watch Carlson… it reminds me too much of when my dad use to haul in a load of bullshit and dump it on his (soon to be planted) garden, then he would go over and over it again with a rototiller, just like Carlson does to the liberal pukes that are stupid enough to go on his show.

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