Nancy Pelosi Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Husband’s Ill-Fated Surgery – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Husband’s Ill-Fated Surgery

image via WorldNewsBureau


20 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Husband’s Ill-Fated Surgery

  1. Dammmit!!! There are just some things you can’t un-see. And there are some things you can’t un-think.

    Peliosity get’n it on with anybody is just too far to travel on an empty stomach (or a full one even).

    Heave. Heave.

  2. Old Nancy Pelosi Galore was the lead subject of the Asparagus Urine Smell Study. She proved beyond a shadow of a doubt the supposition that asparagus makes urine stink!

  3. Thousands of Stevedores in Baltimore could testify to her “sexiness.”
    As well as cabbies, dumpster-divers, hobos, winos, …

    She had a reputation for fucking and sucking her way through the docks from the back of her daddy’s limo … taking all “comers” … so to speak …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Fake since the Bitch is in the House, not Senate. lol. Between Pelosi and McCain, hard to tell who is the most absurd and abominated politician in the country now, following the legacy of Hitllary.

  5. Wonder if this is FAKE NEWS LOL but if not now that he got his eye sight back he got to see what a hag stood in front of him. Now he’ll go looking for a good looking GF. Who would want to fuck something like her.

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