Pray For Greetings From Yonkers – IOTW Report

Pray For Greetings From Yonkers

I’m so, so sorry to have to report this news.

I haven’t updated because the details have been very confusing.

I could not get her on the phone because she was, unbeknownst to me, transferred to a different hospital, a hospice. We all know what a hospice means.

I did get her on the phone 2 times after her transfer and I tiptoed around what I felt was the elephant in the room. But she said she was there for wound care, and the prognosis was favorable.

I looked up on the internet and this particular hospice did have a wound care unit.

I called Irony Curtain and we both concluded that it was possible that she was there for what she claimed, but it was best to wait before updating everyone.

I just received an email from her good friend.

The news is bleak. Greetings was simply keeping up a brave front, like the strong woman she is. She is in hospice for a reason, and it’s not for wound care.

Say a prayer for our good friend.

64 Comments on Pray For Greetings From Yonkers

  1. I am so sorry to see this. May the good Lord wrap His loving arms around our dear friend, Greetings From Yonkers, comfort her, and provide her with everything she needs. In the name of Almighty Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

  2. “Fides, Familia, Amici”.
    Faith first and foremost, Family second only to Faith, Friends above all else that remains.

    May all her days be filled with Love, Faith, Family and Friends.
    Greetings, her family and friends are in our prayers.
    God Bless them all.

  3. So very sorry to hear. I have always liked her posts. And knowing she was a real face-to-face friend of yours makes me hurt for both of you. I pray the Lord holds her closely during this awful time.

  4. Oh, so very sorry to hear about this. Dear Lord, please be with Greetings from Yonkers and give her strength to endure. Help her to know that many out there care for her and cheer her in this time. Amen.

  5. This is disheartening to hear. I thought she was on the mend. I will be praying for her. I am so sorry to hear this. “our” IOTW community has had too many losses…

  6. Lord Jesus Christ. Just as with the woman with the issue with the blood who reached out in faith to touch the hem of Your garment knowing You could heal her may the hem of Your garment touch Greetings From Yonkers’ body and may the healing power flow from You to her so that she may be restored.

    In The Name Of The Nazarene…AMEN.

  7. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
    John 14:2 KJV

    We will all have the opportunity to visit again.

  8. If she says she is there for wound care, that’s good enough for me. Life wounds us every day, in so many ways, and sooner or later those countless injuries add up to that which we all must come to in the end.

    No tears now. Only peace.

  9. Father God in Heaven, in the name of Jesus, I pray for our special friend from Yonkers, You know her name, you created her to be the feisty, strong, intelligent and witty woman that she is. Have mercy upon her, strengthen her, cause Your mighty power to flow through her and heal her, comfort her and restore her to her family and her friends, please, Father, we give you all glory and honor and praise!

  10. I gathered, through her many posts over the years, that life has been tough on her in the past. But I also gleaned that she is a person of faith. May that faith, and the knowledge that so many of her friends here are praying for her, give her comfort at this most difficult time.. God Bless you, GFY; you are loved.

  11. God knew us before we were conceived. Jesus loved each of us by name as He suffered on the cross. He knew these moments would come for GFY. And He knew he would be there for her to supply her every need and quiet her soul with comfort. We are never alone.
    GFY, hurry back to us. We miss you.

  12. Dear GFY
    I hope you’re reading this thread.
    Jesus speaking in Luke 11:9-10

    “And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened”.

    Place your burdens and sin upon the One who took your punishment upon himself. If the thief on the cross could be forgiven so can you. You may recall that the thief asked to be remembered, and Christ’s answer was, “Today you will be with me in Paradise”.
    Believe it and live.

  13. 3 John 1:2 – Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

    Prayers for strength and healing. Didn’t Yonkers mention being a breast cancer survivor? It sounded like she had adversity in her life and handled it with strength, dignity and grace.
    Her presence her is missed. Sending up strong prayers.

    Thank you BFH for letting us know.

  14. I will add my prayers to those of all the good people of faith above. GFY, may our Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you in your time of trial. May he give you comfort and peace.

  15. Greetings From Yonkers, you have family and friends here. We love the person you are and what you have shared with us. We are all thinking and praying for you. We are all by your side in mind and spirit.
    God Bless

  16. Really sorry to hear this. Greetings, you’re missed very much and prayers and love are being sent your way. Your wit and insight were always a great contribution to the community here. Wishing you peace and strength. xo

  17. Greetings from Yonkers–May you have God’s presence, power, protection, and peace. You have my prayers and everyone at this wonderful site’s prayers for freedom from pain and recovery.

  18. Thank you, Sir Fur, for the ‘seemingly sad’ update…’seemingly’ because though I do not know GFY personally, we have seen many like her achieve an amazing comeback from the power of prayer.

    Prayers and thoughts for you, strong lady, from here in Chicago. Continue the fight!

  19. GFY — I hope that you are reading all these comments, thoughts and prayers sent across the miles. If you are not reading them, then I hope that a good IOTW friend is there to read them to you. You will see that you are not alone in your fight; you have been missed by many and we all would be joyful when you return.

    Sending Love and Prayers — Loretta

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