Great Raw Video of Trump Touring the Boeing Plant – IOTW Report

Great Raw Video of Trump Touring the Boeing Plant

Trump is engaged, asking great questions, learning, absorbing and involving himself in the business of aircraft building. This isn’t just a photo op, like any other moronic pol would be doing.

Also, I appreciate the cameraman losing his mind and scanning down the length of Ivanka’s legs and treating everyone to a butt shot in the opening moments of the video.  (Hey, am I NOT supposed to notice??)

Conservative Treehouse has great analysis… of Trump being a “builder president,” not Ivanka’s great body.

ht/ all too much

19 Comments on Great Raw Video of Trump Touring the Boeing Plant

  1. Stupid moron democrats could not care less about the materials, the weight, the process, the cost. They would be wondering how many females and minorities are employed and why is a small contingent of white males — white males!! — only leading them around the plant? These people are mentally ill and they would F up a wet dream, and they could not run a hot dog stand. Everything with these mentally ill lunatics is about race and sex. We need to expunge our nation of their sick, mentally ill hatred and destructiveness.

  2. Regarding the Ivanka side of the equation, I would like, er, ah …… guys you know the rest. Not only is Ivanka gorgeous, she has poise, intelligence, is comfortable in her feminity, and is not a screaming psycho man-hating violent demanding confused hate-filled obozo-worshipping lunatic.

  3. Buck’s comment above is right on. Nice to see actual pragmatists running the country for a change.

    Obama would have told all those execs at Boeing, “you didn’t build that!”.

  4. Plus, Ivanka obviously eats healthier than the school lunch destroyer.

    Made me laugh:
    Right as she walks between the camera and group – “Well, There goes that shot”.

    Followed soon by the camera zipping to focus on her butt and widening the shot to take her in as she walks away.

    Dirty dog making lemonade?

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