FORWARD to Globalist Existence – IOTW Report

FORWARD to Globalist Existence


The glossy magazine came in the mail a few days ago from my alma mater’s College of Education, with this unfortunate name printed in big, white, bold letters, lest you miss it, FORWARD.

Maybe the dean had no idea that FORWARD graced all propaganda materials for Germany’s Social Democratic Party, Vorwärts (Forward), founded in 1876, and that it is still published monthly today and mailed to all Social Democratic Party (SPD) members. Was he trying to exclude all students who did not hold that political leaning, or was he trying to convert them all?

The indoctrination into political correctness

The German paper named FORWARD published the writings of Friedrich Engels, Kurt Tucholsky, Russian Marxist economists, the Mensheviks, and Leon Trotsky. Strangely, it refused to publish any articles by Vladimir I. Lenin.

Interestingly, Adolf Hitler sued the paper for libel in 1923 and won 6 million marks. It had claimed that Hitler was financed by “American Jews and Henry Ford.”

Because the Social Democratic Party of Germany was banned during the Nazi era, its publication, Vorwärts (Forward), stopped in 1933 but continued in Czechoslovakia until 1938 and in Paris until 1940.

Perhaps the dean is not channeling this German publication, he is moving forward to globalism, ready to create with each graduating class the global citizens of tomorrow who believe in social justice, environmental justice, and gender justice.

The indoctrination into political correctness of the last decades is finally bearing fruit – campuses have become the most intolerant places in society, spaces where free and divergent speech should be embraced by all. Yet violent mobs are protesting conservatives who come to speak or debate, preventing them from exercising their freedom of speech. Hurling rocks and words such as racists and violent fascists, these intolerant mobs are engaging in the very act they are protesting against while conservatives remain peaceful.

15 Comments on FORWARD to Globalist Existence

  1. It is an individual’s right to decide for himself which way is “Forward!” Another way of saying this is that each person has an “unalienable right to the pursuit of happiness.”

    Collectivizing this concept is anti-individual, anti-human, and obscene.

  2. So called “Conservative Free Trade Globalists” are as bad as Libs. Free Trade is not Fair Trade. And if you are a Nationalist they try and stick that damn Isolationist label on you right away.

  3. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, are proud of the enlightened, world view, one party rule.
    All they need now is another islamic leader at the DNC to follow the obama agenda.
    Keith Ellison will work in a pinch until Imam Obama becomes the rightful heir to his created muslim throne.

  4. Did I request someone or some group impel that I move in ANY direction? How about sideways? As an individual if I wish to remain stationary is that a crime? If I wish to move at a slower or faster pace than dictated by the state is that criminal?

    How about you stay the fuck out of my life and I’ll reap what I sow? That’s how a free society works.

  5. I always found these verses in Jeremiah to be interesting as they speak of Man’s desire to make “progress.” God pleads with Man, to return to Him, to walk in accord with His Will. We think freedom and “progress” will come if we can only throw off the shackles of God’s authority. From Jeremiah 6 and 7, a couple verses –

    6:16Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

    6:17Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.

    7:24But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went BACKWARD, and NOT FORWARD.

    God is still pleading with individuals and nations.

  6. DeVos, the new U.S. Secretary of Education misstepped with an overreach to urbanite Obama zombies, most negatively affected by Obama’s horrible education policies. She quoted the most prominent black communist leader who ever existed – W.E.B. DuBois.
    The quote; “Education must not simply teach work – it must teach Life” is as socialist as it gets. What is really meant by the quote is, with the focus on “work” and “life”, education should be managed by agents of the State for best results.
    Progressives have been infiltrating our education system a very long time. We are now as a nation having to deal with at least two generations completely programmed by communist doctrine.
    The Trump administration needs to study and know their enemies a lot better if they’re going to fix the educational system.
    BTW, Excellent! Ted Nougat. Great Biblical references.

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