Liquid Mountains – IOTW Report

Liquid Mountains

Photographing Liquid Mountains

From ‘That’s Amazing’ series on The Weather Channel.

When you think of the Great Lakes, you may not picture towering 30-foot waves. But Dave Sandford knows better. The professional photographer from Ontario, Canada, braves the icy cold water and fierce winds of Lake Erie to make his masterpieces. And they will absolutely astound you.

16 Comments on Liquid Mountains

  1. A body of mine here on the island does something very similar. He braves the warm summer waters to get pictures of the sunset from inside the pipeline. He sells the pictures worldwide and makes enough money to surf the most exotic warm places of the world to get more pictures to sell worldwide. Oddly I don’t see him braving the icy cold waters to do what this guy does, but both are great photographers! BTW, I bought his GoPro that he used in many of these photos he sells worldwide. Have a look:

  2. Awesome. I’ve patrolled in 30 foot seas on a cutter. Not fun. Trying not to puke was a challenge. Before we did a 180, they’d pipe on the 1 MC intercom – “All hands stand by for heavy rolls as Campbell comes about.” Some of my sleeping shipmates fell out of their racks. While in the trough, it was literally a wall of water fore and aft.

  3. The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down
    Of the big lake they called ‘gitche gumee’
    The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead
    When the skies of November turn gloomy

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