Rep. Gaetz: The EPA Cannot Be Reformed. It Needs To Be Abolished. – IOTW Report

Rep. Gaetz: The EPA Cannot Be Reformed. It Needs To Be Abolished.


“What is a watershed assessment?” That’s what Edwin Henry wondered after the EPA suddenly and unexpectedly appeared on his farm in Blackman. His “environmental impact” was simply widening his cows’ drinking pond on his own property. No animals were harmed in the making of that pond—but Mr. Henry sure was. The damage: hundreds of thousands of dollars in compliance costs that didn’t help a single species or restore an acre of habitat. What a waste!

This happens every day across America. According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, EPA compliance costs total more than three hundred billion dollars annually. More and more money is being spent in order to address smaller and smaller risks. The Office of Management and Budget rated the thirty least cost-effective regulations—the EPA created seventeen of them.

Unlike our environment, the EPA cannot be saved. One deputy stole nearly a million dollars. Others were busted for misusing funds to hire public relations consultants. The non-partisan Government Accountability Office found that the EPA was showing favoritism in awarding grants, not managing the performance of grants, and misappropriating funds intended for environmental restoration. Stanford fellow Dr. Henry Miller referred to the EPA as “relentlessly ideological, politicized, corrupt and incompetent.”

The EPA hardly has an enviable record protecting the vulnerable.


21 Comments on Rep. Gaetz: The EPA Cannot Be Reformed. It Needs To Be Abolished.

  1. Ah. The good old EPA. Richard Nixon’s sop to the enviro watermelons to keep them off his back. Appeasement never works and Nixon is proof.

    And if you don’t know what environmental watermelon means….green on the outside. RED in the middle. It’s a ruse.

  2. The EPA did one admirable deed in preventing acid from polluting the Animas river…what? The EPA did that? Well, at least they protected the fine people of Flint Michigan from getting poisoned by lead…nothing? The EPA itentionally ignored an environmental health hazard?

    They ain’t doing the job, so get rid of them.

  3. Any Agency or Department created since 1945 should be abolished and erased. Dept of Homeland Security? Gone. Dept of Education? Gone.
    I would love the job of Grim Reaper.

    And then we can move on to divisions created within departments.

  4. Just like child molesters, EPA employees cannot be reformed or rehabilitated. The best thing to do is quickly put them out of our misery through the systematic release of every single employee. I started to say “relocate them to California” but there are sane farmers and ranchers there who hate them as much as we do here in Nevada. Get rid of the BLM and USFS while you’re at it.

  5. Yeah and Amen. The EPA is a boondoggle. A kingdom of its own. Needs/must be abolished. Needs to happen now. To paraphrase some old codger politician that Rush plays once in a while . . .”Deys a whole lot ‘o firin’ goin on ‘roun heah”

  6. While we’re talking about abolishing fed agencies, how about disarming the ones which have no business packing heat? The time has come for Federal Agency Assault Forces to be abolished. I bet that is going to happen.

  7. Devolve the responsibilities of the EPA back to the individual states along with 50% of their budget (based on population or historical environment problems or whatever) and keep a very small department in Washington under the control of congress. If a state has a problem and isn’t doing anything about it or a problem crosses state lines and needs coordination then with the permission of Congress the much reduced EPA can step in to ameliorate the problem. There will be pollution problems or disasters out there and sometimes a federal response will be necessary.

  8. The correct information is: Jimmy “Peanut Brain” Carter is the father of both these unconstitutional swamp rats. Neither has Constitutional authority to exist. The best solution is to flush them both. The EPA has wasted Billions of Tax dollars!

  9. Congress could have de-funded this abomination years ago.
    It is a sop to socialism, Globaloney-ism, and totalitarianism, and thus, will be with us until the final collapse.
    It has overstepped its mandate (with Congresses’ hearty approval) giving them (Congress) the opportunity to complain while they (EPA) do the dirty work of extortion, oppression, and intimidation. Congress (individually) can then make a show of “pressuring” the EPA for the sake of some donor (potential or actual) who, gratefully, contributes enormously. It is a running scam. Anyone who has had trouble with an Agency knows that enlisting the benevolence of a sympathetic Congressman cuts through “red tape” like a hot knife through butter.

    “Fucked up by Design.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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