Islamic State Jihadist Says He Raped over 200 Iraqi Women: ‘This Is Normal’ – IOTW Report

Islamic State Jihadist Says He Raped over 200 Iraqi Women: ‘This Is Normal’

National Security:

A jihadist from the Sunni Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group captured by Kurdish forces has shown little remorse after admitting to raping more than 200 women, reveals Reuters.

“Young men need this,” the alleged serial rapist, identified as 21-year-old Ammar Hussein, told Reuters. “This is normal.”

Reuters gained access to the jihadist through Kurdish intelligence authorities.

The news agency, which concedes that it cannot independently verify Hussein’s claim, reports that the terrorist “said his emirs, or local ISIS commanders, gave him and others a green light to rape as many Yazidi and other women as they wanted.”

“Hussein said he moved from house to house in several Iraqi cities raping women from the Yazidi sect and other minorities at a time when ISIS was grabbing more and more territory from Iraqi security forces,” adds Reuters. “Kurdish security officials say they have evidence of Hussein raping and killing, but they don’t know what the scale is.”

The revelation comes on the same day that Human Rights Watch (HRW) highlights some of the first cases of abuse against Sunni women at the hands of ISIS, including arbitrarily detentions, rape, torture, and forcing Sunni girls and women to marry members of the terrorist group.

ISIS atrocities against women have primarily targeted members of minority groups in the Middle East, namely Yazidis and Christians.

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27 Comments on Islamic State Jihadist Says He Raped over 200 Iraqi Women: ‘This Is Normal’

  1. Generally I believe punitive laws should serve to reform criminal behavior (with exceptions of high crimes).

    The false religion of islam has shown over the past 1200 years that reform, civility and morality are an impossibility.

    Every captured muslim terrorist/murderer/rapist (and those who advocate that behavior) should face the penalty of being publically castrated, hung, drawn and quartered. The separated pieces should be hurled in a public pig pin to be devoured.

  2. I’ve never had the motivation to look into the semantics of the Arabic language but I’d like to know if it is even possible to express ideas about individuality, human rights, or the concept of toleration of others who don’t share your beliefs but do you no harm. If so, it would explain a lot…but not excuse any of it.

  3. 200 rapes? Sheeut, he deserves, at the very least, a “participation medal”
    Maybe John McCain will suggest it. What the fuck! John needs a little boost in notoriety. Inferring that our President is acting like a Dictator while on foreign soil, didn’t go too well. Ignored by the media, except for CNN and MBC who agreed with him, he needs a boost up the ass. I don’t think Lindsey is capable anymore.

  4. Hey7 Remember some years ago when a Navy Aviator, a guy probably with big balls, guts up the ass, crazy enough to be ready to dog fight with some Russian bastard in the air, trained to the hilt, gets fucked by the Navy because he grabbed some cunts ass at a “Tailgate Party”? I forget the details. But it really pissed me off.

  5. cato
    “Every captured muslim terrorist/murderer/rapist (and those who advocate that behavior) should face the penalty of being publically castrated, hung, drawn and quartered. The separated pieces should be hurled in a public pig pin to be devoured.”

    Do this in front of a hundred of his buddies

  6. Claudia, that is not correct. The Messiah spoke Aramaic as a daily language. Picked up by Hebrews from long captivity in Babylon and Assryia, both countries spoke Aramaic. Hebrew was only used in their Assemblies on Saturday’s and was their sacred language. His name in Aramaic is Y’eshua.


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