Beggs to Differ – IOTW Report

Beggs to Differ

What do you call a 17-year-old girl who’s been taking testosterone for years in order to “transition” to a male but is still allowed to wrestle girls in tournament?  You call the person, Mack Beggs, the winner by default when no girls were willing to take to the mat against this individual.


39 Comments on Beggs to Differ

  1. I thought we called it the East German Olympic female team circa 1980.

    Pbunyan has it 100% right. The coaches from the other teams should have protested that Mack is on steroids and should be ejected from the competition.

  2. When women failed to jump up and down and scream about males “who think they are women” into their bathrooms and dressing rooms, this became the next logical progression – steroid-freak women, and males “who think they are women” will be participants in women’s sports.

  3. Mentally ill males who think they are female get to compete in women’s sports and mentally ill females who think they are male also get to compete in women’s sports while hopped up on testosterone? Normal women will never be able to win in sports again. Ever.

  4. I don’t have pity for the women or the Tranny! Kind of funny to me, all these women that wanted title IV which just screwed many men over, mainly wrestling and baseball. I wrestled at a division 1 Big Ten University. This won’t have any affect on men’s sports. It will only hurt women and mentally ill men.

  5. More proof this transgender movement is like every other liberal movement -more about special treatment than equal treatment…
    If you want to be a boy, and you look like a boy, fight boys!

  6. I’m old Old enough to relate to the exclusion of females from organized school sports, being refused to be firefighters, police officers, scorned for dreams of owning their own business, and forced to wear skirts to court appearances. I remember.
    When the law changed, the world didn’t end, men didn’t become extinct, nor did society fall apart.
    Today, the male/female argument is a step too far. The only remedy is to demand a single choice – one is either male or female. Period.

  7. I wonder if trannies understand that they will be subject to the way men talk to each other, and the way women can bitch at each other, respectively. If you’re a male and present as a woman, be able to hold your own with a woman. If you are a woman presenting as a man, I hope you are ready for real men.

    I don’t care what’s in your pants, it’s what I can see that I will base my responses on.

    Let the games begin off of the mat.

  8. I hope it enjoys the unearned prize, awarded due to the unfair advantage. The time will come when the, I’m still a girl excuse, will no longer work. Competing against real men, in a real world environment, will have real consequences. Good luck.

  9. This will be the demise of women’s sports. If women want true equality, do away with the separation of men’s and women’s groupings. Have one competition–wrestling–and watch the best man win. Every time.

  10. It’s a catch-22: can’t wrestle as a boy because the rules say you have to wrestle according to your birth sex–understandable because most boys could beat their counterpart girls. Shouldn’t wrestle as a girl because of testosterone treatments. Answer? Stop screwing around with your body and get some mental health treatment.

    I don’t think she’s 52-0 because of her natural talent.

  11. My daughter’s Christian School (deal with – I pay for it you don’t) plays some public schools. We played one last week where 2 of the players sex(?)’s initiated guessing games the whole time. Both were the top point scorers for their team.

    But we won by 4 points anyway.

    Note we didn’t make a fuss or boycott or anything.

    Boys are boys, girls are girls and parents who encourage different are child abusers (despite what psychological standards say).

  12. Why would Mack settle for wrestling with girls if the individual wanted to be treated as a boy? Didn’t agree to that set back the person’s perception of itself?

    Once this individual was given testosterone the person should have never been allowed to compete against anyone but boys.

  13. What do you call a 17-year-old girl who’s been taking testosterone for years in order to “transition” to a male but is still allowed to wrestle girls in tournament?


  14. you got an ‘innie’ …. you’re a girl
    you got an ‘outie’ …. you’re a boy

    you want to change? …. step up to the surgeon’s table bitch!
    ‘I just wanna TESTIFY!!!…’

    …. the simplest solutions are the best solutions

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