From One National Security Advisor To Another – IOTW Report

From One National Security Advisor To Another

The Obama appointee, best known for lying four times on one Sunday to the American people (see Benghazi), Susan RiceĀ offered up congratulations and some advice for current president’s new National Security Advisor, L.T. Gen. H.R. McMasters.

Rice hoped that McMasters would be able to get daily access to the president andĀ end The Strategic Initiatives Group, which is lead by Steve Bannon.


16 Comments on From One National Security Advisor To Another

  1. I’ve been expecting Fox News to hire Susan Rice. I’m really surprised they hired Marie Harf before hiring Susan. Once I flip the channel when Jerry Rivera or Marie are up next, I don’t go back. Susan would be the final nail in the coffin.

  2. There a school of thought that figured Susan Rice was the architect of Obama’s foreign policy (such as it was) and was the actual power at the State Department. Hillary was there mostly for show and to take orders from Rice. That being the case I only hope McMaster’s simply ignores her completely. With luck the next time we’ll hear from her is at Hillary’s Grand Jury hearings.

  3. “Rice hoped that…”

    Stop right there. Thank you very much for your opinion, Miss Rice, but it will never be needed.

    Your time would be better spent thanking the Lord you’re not in prison or swinging from the gallows.

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