Why Professors Object to Being Recorded – IOTW Report

Why Professors Object to Being Recorded

Jewish World Review:

[…] The American Association of University Professors has long opposed unauthorized recording and public posting of what professors say in classrooms.

As it happens, I taught for two years at Brooklyn College. I recall students asking me whether they could record my lectures. And I remember thinking, “Why on Earth would I say no?”

I wanted whatever I said in a classroom to be heard by more than 50 people. “Who wouldn’t?” I wondered.

Here, then, is my theory as to why most professors who object to their class lectures being recorded do so: They fear having what they say exposed to the general public.
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15 Comments on Why Professors Object to Being Recorded

  1. @Jethro — that’s a great suggestion. Most high schools now have something called Running Start which allow juniors and seniors accumulate transferable credits for free (they pay for books). #1 child cut a year off her university time and could have cut 2 years if she’d entered the program as a junior (she was too involved in HS activities to be off campus that much).

    I thought profs didn’t want to be videoed because they know what they are doing is wrong.

  2. The reasons they don’t want themselves recorded are the same reasons they do want cops recorded: responsibility and accountability.

    If I were a prof, I’d be making my own recordings. No matter hard left, no matter how down with the struggle, no matter how woke you think you are, there is always a lying SJW out there looking for your scalp.

  3. It’s not LAW…..well, on second reading it is law….Kalifornication state law. Teacher’s Union driven law. But Libtards don’t care about obeying the law. They flaunt their law breaking.
    So, go ahead and record….and post. Just be very careful and don’t get caught. The insane are still running the asylum.

  4. Stanley Kurtz of The Ethics Public Policy Ctr in conjunction w The Goldwater Inst wrote a legislative model for states to use their authority & withhold tax $ from public universities that violate the 1st A, e.g., shutting down “certain” student clubs or invited speakers they deem hate speech.

    Far too long states have relinquished their legal authority to protect ALL 1st A and cut funding to violators, leaving it up to university admin (fox guard henhouse) to police.
    With majority rep. held state legislators, there’s a window of opportunity to push them to pass this legislation. I’m working w my state rep to introduce such a bill.

    Marxist admin/professors will continue to preach propaganda under the 1st A, but at least there will be conservative voices to counter them.

  5. Were Lazlo a Professor, I would record every lecture and make it available (for a price) on the internet.
    That way if you are too busy to listen and take notes in class, you can listen to the lecture and pay me for the privilege
    Where are the social justice conservatives?
    You should be looking out after your parent’s investment and rooting out bad professors
    Record that Lefty professor, Get his treason on tape
    Stick it to the (girly) man.
    Rid your school of Communists, make your school decent again.
    Is that too much in exchange for the free ride?

  6. Lazlo, OK (for a price) if you were a prof at a private university. If you’re working a taxpayer funded State university, then no. Your lectures have already been paid for. Sorry.
    But you could ask for donations to some (right-wing) charity. You couldn’t take any of the donations, though. Unless it was a Clinton charity, where you’d be expected to take it all.

  7. Burner, I fulfilled my commitment to the little bastards the first time I gave the lecture. Hearing it again should cost money.
    Especially when the State is paying
    I will give those who missed class the lecture for free.

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