London Fashion Weak – IOTW Report

London Fashion Weak

Like a clown’s nightmare, fashion designer Ashish Gupta put on a special show for the final day of London’s Fashion Week.  The point was to lecture The United States on inclusiveness by having models wear sequined baseball outfits and where Mexican wrestler style mask and face paint.  In reviewing the articles of clothing mashed together in this incoherence mess, I find myself wondering if models ever say, “I don’t care how much you pay me, I’m not going out there in that.”


Do you think the masks were part of the designer’s vision or the models insisting that their faces be hidden?

21 Comments on London Fashion Weak

  1. Reading that link was hard to do. Suddenly without the bowing butt kissing obola putting the US down all around the globe “important” around the world presume to lecture us.

    Apparently everybody but that loony designer knows that horizontal stripes add 20 pounds to your look.

  2. Does anyone on the left see the anti-Trump hatred? Why am I being lectured to be nice be kind? I’m not burning things, looting, vile or vulgar and I wasn’t when I had to accept Obama as president. Do these loons not see the violent nuts on their side?!?!?!

  3. “The point was to lecture The United States on inclusiveness”

    They and the rest of Europe ARE showing us what inclusiveness means, everyday. Riots, rape, ungrateful ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, draining the services and funds of taxpayers, and etc.

    Stupid bastards! Do they really think we want barbaric invaders?

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