Free Food For Black People Only – IOTW Report

Free Food For Black People Only

NY Post-

A makeshift “black people”-only food cart caused plenty of indigestion Thursday in the Bronx, outraging onlookers who called the stunt racist.

A man and a woman set up the cart around 9 a.m. outside Bronx Supreme Court, advertising their free doughnuts and juice on Styrofoam plates.

Their three handmade signs read: “Free Food For Black People.”

Passersby weren’t amused.

“Are you kidding me? If I did something like that, it would be considered hate,” railed one woman, who was repeatedly denied any grub when she confronted the duo.

A young man running the cart also refused to serve a Post reporter. And the woman insisted the cart was not restricted to just African-Americans.

“Mexican people are black,” she offered.

The pair closed up shop around 10:30 a.m.

ht/ ann S.


25 Comments on Free Food For Black People Only

  1. Well, they are free to set up their shop and serve who they please. BUT….. they shouldn’t be surprised or upset at the blowback they receive and deserve.

    I probably would have sneezed over the food and drink.
    Oh, I’m sorry. Did I do that?

  2. WTF little kids can’t sell lemonade in their front yards and actual laws have been passed to criminalize people who want to feed the homeless
    but these clowns have no problem with their free food to black people cart
    how come their sign doesn’t say free food to African-American people

  3. This is why the whole world despises black people. How about we take away the BILLIONS spent on YOU people here in the US for food stamps, cash money, and medical, and give it to only white people. Wouldn’t like that would you? You UNGRATEFUL shitheads.

  4. I think every town should have someone giving away free donuts and juice to black people, it goes great with their rampant morbid obesity and high rate of diabetes. If you listen carefully you can actually hear arteries hardening.

  5. Why are blacks always portrayed as being on the endangered species list? A black gets shot and there’s riots and shit all over the news. See a black and you better feed it. What in the living hell. They are humans and very plentiful.

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