More Car Related Rants – IOTW Report

More Car Related Rants

Okay, this might get me in trouble with some people… again.

What the hell is up with you people that need to park ass-in backwards in a parking lot?

I have to sit there while you go through your maneuvers all the while thinking, “does this guy really think he’s saving time, or whatever?”

What’s your thinking? “When I’m done I’m just going to pull out? Ain’t I smaught?!”

What are you, on a bank heist???

You hiding your plates? I’d understand if you were backing up against a wall, there’s some security measure involved where you block access to the trunk or cab. But I’ve seen this done in Aisle 5 at Home Depot, with the car out in the middle of the lot.

If you’re a normal person, and park normally, it’s much easier to back out of a space than it is to back INTO a space. So, you’re actually making life more difficult for yourself and everyone else.

Okay, pig pile me.


56 Comments on More Car Related Rants

  1. I already know the argument, that pulling out while looking ahead is safer than backing out, and that backing in is safer because you already saw that the space was clear.

    (Insert fart noise here.)

    Have you seen the jackasses trying to back in??

    Please. It’s like watching a waiter with too many plates.

  2. I never back in, but I will pull through so I’m facing out whenever I can. My BIL, the Chinese Californian Leftie, says that’s illegal in California. I just have to shake my head.

  3. You live in Florida, right? It’s the season, right? Old duffers find their way down here and drive like they’re from up north plus they don’t know where they’re going, can’t read the street signs. However, it sounds like you’re describing my nutty sister from Texas. Sorry.

  4. Round here I call them “parking lots of the insane”.
    People drive zombie style helter-skelter pall-mall.
    Speeding across the parking spots perpendicular to the
    arrowed lanes of travel…

  5. When you are backing in you already have a good view of the area around you, and you should be able to do so in one wide swing out, then back into your spot. Backing out leaves me feeling vulnerable to blind spots. Kids, other vehicles backing out, etc.

  6. All they gots is a backup camera. I have an F350 that takes up a bit more than a parking space, so I back in at work. one of the people who works with me does as well with his car, because neither of us want to hit the other.

    That’s the only reason and place I do it. Everywhere else I look for two open spaces.

  7. As for me, I do it because I deployed and I don’t have time to back out of anywhere. A lot of military people do it because it can save your ass. Don’t always assume it is for vanity.

  8. Seriously, you’re going to bitch about parking spaces when it takes 7 seconds for 3 cars to go in front of you when the light turns green on an avenue filled with red lights. Parking lots I get it, actually it’s where most accidents occur, so please go slow. On the freaking road though get your goddamn groove on, bitches.

    Yesterday there was a bitch in front of me doing 30 in a 45 and weaving over the paint. At the red light I pulled along side and she’s reaching for her slippery 8 inch device with a goddamn headscarf all over her. I give her the universal hang up your shit sign and she waves and says sorry. As if it’s something to be sorry about. How about everyone realize there’s other people on the road and get the hell out of the way. Especially the headscarfs because I’m about to start throwing bombs.

  9. When we go to hockey games almost everyone parks with their back ends in-including us- in the parking garage. It makes getting in the line of cars, on the way out, easier after the game. You pull straight out and go with the flow.

    OK- let me have it! LOL!!!

  10. Where I used to work, people would arrive at random times, so it was much easier to back in, because you were usually not holding anyone up. However, when it was time to leave, everybody tended to leave at once, so backing out became much more of a problem. Therefore, I always backed in first.

    At the grocery store, though, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to back in first, so I don’t do it there. If I can do it, the “pull-through” technique works best. Then no backout is required.

  11. We park as far away as possible to get in extra walking time. As long as it does not affect anyone else, we back in to make egress easier. But, yes, we’ve had to put up with those who’ve NEVER backed up before, decide to learn where it adversely affects the most, and want to just run the clueless dumb shits down. They don’t piss me off worse than folks with mega pickups who insist on parking in up front spots designed for smart cars and motorcycles.

  12. You must live next to the really old folks Home; Depot. Just like joe6pack I back in my F150 pickup, try backing out of a spot with a load of 12 foot lumber when Elmer is trying to park his new Fiat dumb car.
    P.S. Oh yea Mr. Hat you can always ride a bike.

  13. I just got a new little car and park it real easy. If I don’t need to load stuff in the hatch, I do try to find a pull-thru space. But there’s a lady FedEx driver in my town who can back into ANY parking space in any parking lot in her big,tall van in about 10 seconds! I am totally blown away! Amazing driver!

  14. I back into places quite often and I am very proficient at doing so. The reason I do this is because I drive a “normal” car that sits relatively low to the ground (and old, full sized 4-door sedan). Often times, after I have parked someone in a van / SUV / large pickup truck will park right beside me. When I get ready to leave, I can’t see over the surrounding vehicles to tell whether some idiot is going 40 mph through the parking lot if I am backing out of a space. Pulling out forward, I can see somewhat better and if need be, I can even quickly get out of the car and look before pulling out.

    There is method to the madness for some of us.

  15. I parked cars one summer years ago at a very busy lot and we were required to back in. Consistency for sure, but the key reason is that the front wheels are the steering wheels and backing in makes it a lot easier to get into a tighter space. The challenge is in learning to use your side mirrors, but once you’re good at it backing in is definitely the better way. I will often do it now, particularly if there is no traffic as I will likely thus be less of an inconvenience to anyone else when I leave.
    I do have a backup camera now, and it’s hard backing up a car that doesn’t have it. Hope I still know how to drive stick! 🙂

  16. To add to Joe6pak’s argument….Parking lots have shrunk parking spaces and the lane in between to add more parking spaces and little cars don’t mind. My truck has a pretty shitty turning radius, so if I put the the steering axle to the rear (by backing in) it enhances my turning radius. Otherwise I might have to do two or three adjustments to get into the spot by backing in and out and you’d still be waiting on me! Ha!….Now lets talk about a real pet peeve…..Why do people go to a bank drive thru and don’t have their paperwork filled out and might even need a pen?

  17. willysgoatgruff,

    That reminds me of the numb skulls at the grocery store who seem surprised they have to pay. They wait until everything is bagged then dig through the purse for a credit card, so if that doesn’t go through they have to come up with a different one, maybe a debit card but can’t remember the pass code, oh and then she remembers her coupons…

  18. BFH – If you simply must have a parking lot gripe, how about the lazy careless jerks who can’t be bothered to park even halfway close to halfway between the lines? Coming out of the store and finding that some creep has left me 8 inches to get in my car makes me want to key the hell out of their door (I don’t, though).

    And most of these low-lifes FRONT IN to the space. Sheesh.

  19. Here’s an idea, BFH – get yourself a handicapped mirror placard. Steal one if you have to. You’ll generally be far enough away from those pesky backer-inners and you’ll be closer to the door to boot.

    It isn’t so far into 2017 – you might find somebody who hasn’t tossed their old Florida handicap placard that expired last year. With a black Sharpie and an Xacto knife you can easily turn 2016 into 2018 and it’s near impossible to tell. Trust me. I know this for a fact.

  20. Thanks FreeMan!! Bwhahahahaha!

    Sir Fur, I generally park a distance away
    from the place I’m going so that I don’t have
    to deal with that shit. Pisses the wife off,
    but walking an extra 50 yards is good for you.

  21. If everyone was good at backing in..great! What do I care?
    I’m talking about the shithead that insists on backing in and he SUCKS AT IT.

    But I agree, these are first world problems.
    Let’s talk about when your rickshaw driver has gas.

  22. Unfortunately there are way too many drivers out there who either think they own the road or don’t know how to pay attention to what is going on, or just can’t drive. Every block is another potential idiot, whether a driver, cyclist, or pedestrian.
    When I’m stuck behind an older driver going really slow I just think to myself, ‘better he’s going slow and safe than the alternative’. I have to have something to keep me sane while being stuck driving under the speed limit.

  23. One thing I have noticed over the years is that most of the people that are bad at backing into a parking place are pretty much as bad at pulling into one (as Uncle Al intimated). Stupid and inconsiderate people are stupid and inconsiderate no matter what they are doing.

  24. The one driver who pisses me off the most is the asshole who will not accelerate until the END of the on-ramp so EVERYONE has to bob and weave to avoid a massive pileup.

    Sorry, forget that, the driver who pisses me off even more than that is the asshole who STOPS at the end of the ramp.

  25. I’ve never been able to back up worth a shit and I have a camera! I park far out in the lot so I can pull through and get in a little extra exercise. I hate getting caught behind people like me.

  26. Freeman best post of the year so far.
    Actually I agree with BFH just park your freak’n car.
    The only reason to back in a spot is for security reasons.
    Hey BFH can you believe I agree with you LOL

  27. I prefer pulling forward out of a huge parking lot.

    So I look for a slot that’s open on both sides to pull all the way through so I am technically backed in to that spot and can leave in a forward manner.

    For me, 90% of “my fault” vehicular contact comes in reverse. My sight is definitely limited when backing up as I can’t turn my head completely around and get a 180 degree view of where I’m moving backwards to. And things can change in a matter of split seconds in a parking lot when you shift your head the opposite way.

    My first fender bender with my first brand new car was in a store’s parking lot when another person was mirroring my moves – both the car directions and the heads turning the opposite way to look where we were going matched enough to make us invisible to each other. What luck.

    We were both surprised as we both were trying to be cautious.

    That was in 1978. It was only the first of many contacts that came in reverse gear over the decades since.

    But backing in without a serious reason other than preference? No.

    That’s nonsense. The chance of hitting the neighboring cars is higher, also. No less risk from my perspective.

    And it pisses a lot of people off to boot.

    I try to limit the people I piss off, while driving, to cyclists that run stop signs. And we have a lot of them around here.

  28. My dad taught me to back in and use my mirrors. I taught my sons the same. We can back in quicker than most can pull in. When my youngest got his license he had a perfect score except the few points “she” deducted for him not wrenching his neck around while backing in. He was pissed.

  29. Corona has another good point. Sometimes I’m driving down a major urban street, street signals every 3 blocks, and someone is trying to make a left from a side street during rush hour. Just go over a block and use the light!

    – Left Coast Dan

    This why UPS saves millions a year by never taking a left turn, if at all possible.

    Solution is often 3 right turns and a little extra mileage going around the blocks.

  30. My daily driver is a ’16 GMC 2500, 4 door with an 8 foot box, and a backup camera. Thank God we live a looooong way from any city, but when we do make the trip……..holy crap! Parking spaces and the distance between rows just keep shrinking! Usually park quite a ways away, and back in, or pull through more often than not when there are two spaces together. My rig doesn’t often fit well in just one spot. Would much rather deal with parking issues any day, than downgrade to some little death trap shitbox……no offense to anyone driving a little death trap shitbox.

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