Dems Figure Out You Have To Actually EARN Votes, Not Assume Them – IOTW Report

Dems Figure Out You Have To Actually EARN Votes, Not Assume Them

DailyCaller: Democrats will have to do more than appeal to the gender or race of voters if they want to win future elections, a new report from the centrist Democrat group Third Way concludes.

Laying out three basic facts about the American electorate, the Democrat researchers explain away the closely-held notion by the party that the decline of the white voting population will guarantee them the votes needed for decades to come. Instead of appealing to voters as though they are machines that respond according to demographics, Democrats will have to persuade them based on ideas, values and beliefs — what might have seemed obvious until the “demographics is destiny” notion took hold in recent years.

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10 Comments on Dems Figure Out You Have To Actually EARN Votes, Not Assume Them

  1. How will dems persuade the electorate based on “values”? Don’t you have to have values first? Ideas? Envy, confiscation and redistribution to the unproductive is not a fresh idea.

  2. Values like white people (especially male) are bad. Boys and men belong in the girl’s women’s shower room. College should be free. Black lives matter as long as it isn’t blacks killing blacks.

  3. It is much easier to “create” new classes of voters or recruit dead ones who may already be on the voter rolls than actually have to prove/disprove you have no new ideas.

  4. Just more evidence that identity politics is crap invented by morons. The identity politics the DNC is counting on probably won’t work much better in the long run than the identity politics practiced by the KKK. It may be wildly successful with blacks because the average IQ in that demographic is deep down into the two digit range, but it doesn’t work so will with Hispanics nor Asians who are nearly as pathetically stupid as the typical ghetto black or progressive white dipshit.

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