Rock Star – IOTW Report

Rock Star

An artist has carved a space for himself in the sitting position inside a limestone rock and has closed the halves around him.

He intends on staying in there a week. (He has a cubby hole with food and drink.)

He says the hard part is sleeping. He can’t tell if he’s sleeping right or not.

The real hard part is going to be when he gets a blood clot from lack of motion.

Yahoo – ‘It’s like tripping’ says French artist entombed in rock.

Abraham Poincheval has just enough room to sit up but has to pee into a bottle and store his own excrement around him

HT/ js

30 Comments on Rock Star

  1. Did the National Endowment for the Arts pay for this BS?

    If so, please make one for all of the Clintons, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. A week without hearing their BS would be worth it.

    We need to get our money’s worth.

  2. This may protect him from the peaceful immigrants and after his extended stay inside that shithole it will smell like said immigrants homes; and maybe a little like certain Paris neighborhoods.

  3. So Abe is going to store his excrement around himself, eh?
    He’s going to have a major case of diaper rash, I’m glad to say.

    And I see that he’ll have a jar of urine, so there’s ample precedent for calling this escapade “art.”

  4. NOT art. Another mindless, useless, uninspiring waste of time as it the New World Order’s plan to shift western culture to…..nothingness.

    Kim Kardashian, Hollywood, Music, Movies….a waste of time, consciousness, intelligence, etc., which is EXACTLY what the Central Bankers/Davos/Bilderbergers/Jackson Hole/New-World-Order,UN, CFR, Republican, Democrat scumbags WANT!!!

    If the world is truly over populated, let’s start thinning the heard by starting with eliminating the Central Bankers’, Skull & Bones’, CFR’s, UN’s, et al, numbers. There are TOO MANY OF THEM, not us.

    End the Fed
    End the New World Order
    …so that Peace, Prosperity, Health & Happiness may prevail on earth 🙂

  5. Poincheval’s big dream, however, remains to “walk on the clouds. I have been working on it for five years, but it is not quite there yet,” he added

    Why’s it so difficult? He’s already got his head stuck in the clouds.

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