What an idea Dennis!!! – IOTW Report

What an idea Dennis!!!

“If I were a talented hair stylist and I wanted to bring a lot of clicks to my salons website, I would use PhotoShop (or whatever it’s called now…sorry, I’m a Luddite) and post four or five different versions of what President Trump would look like with a better haircut.” – Dennis Miller

Stunning idea. Woulda never thought of it. Neither would have Dianny or a dozen or so of my colleagues who did it over a year ago.

And you’re a Luddite, really?  Or are you just thoughtlessly throwing around a word as a way of showing off?

What job did photoshop replace and why would we want to return to what its predecessor was?

Sorry to get all over Miller, because he’s one of the good guys. I’m just pissed because a lefty can $hit on a picture Trump and they get an award, while we on the right toil in virtual anonymity.

We definitely do not pay attention to, or take care of our own.


19 Comments on What an idea Dennis!!!

  1. I would give a shit how President Trump looks if he were a talentless poser, who is unworthy of taking seriously. He’s not. He repeatedly thinks, and accomplishes things, many levels above the IQ of his detractors.
    Play hairdo games with trivial people, the times we live in are polluted with them.
    Start with the Trump detractors in his own party.

  2. agreed,
    That’s why we did it a long time ago and have abandoned that tack.
    In fact, Trump said he was going to change his hairstyle when in office.
    I offered up another look and then stopped doing it because it’s meaningless to me now.

    I want him to exercise his power in my best interest. Miller is still talking about the hair, fer godsakes.

  3. What? Dennis has been out smashing steam-powered looms?

    Oh, the humanity!

    Maybe “Luddite” sounds kooler than “Photo-Shop-o-Phobe?” Does to me.

    Anybody really GAF about President Trump’s hair? Show of hands …

    Shop Obola’s hair (and ears) onto a photo of President Trump’s head, and see if he gets the support of the Moron Brigade – and Bernie Sander’s Legions of Imbeciles.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. BFH, Miller said, “If I were a talented hair stylist…”
    Now we know you are VERY talented because we have seen your amazing paintings of pets but I have not heard that you are a talented hair stylist. You have to actually know how to style the hair to look the way your picture shows.

  5. Just do what I do, ask the wife what she
    wants on top of me head. I don’t have to look
    at it and don’t really care.
    I tried the twisted sister thing, the long
    hair is a PITA and it’s hot on a tropical island.

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