Carlson with Nye – IOTW Report

Carlson with Nye

Nye is a nutbag, and not a scientist, yet he refers to the field of science as “his community.”

46 Comments on Carlson with Nye

  1. it’s fascinating that “settled science” is inexplicable and that the “settled science” of global warming morphed to the “settled science” of climate change

    next, it will be the “settled science” of climate change that caused the “settled science” of gender identification

  2. I love you more than life itself. Briton would not be able to produce wine growing grapes. France wouldn’t have to buy land in the N to produce wine grapes. Pine bark beetles hanging around in WY. Leaks out of WH b’cause Trump has set up opposing factions who hate each other.

    The only thing I wanna hear outta this donkey is “paper or plastic”?

  3. I would have asked him if the science is settled and the coasts are vulnerable to flooding or ocean encroachment, why would the high priest of climate change, Al Gore, purchase a mansion on the California coast despite the science telling him not to?

  4. Nye is a atheist with an exceptional hatred for the truth of Genesis. That drives much of the foolishness you hear from him. Ideologically he’s an American version of that fool Dawkins.

  5. I watched this arrogant charlatan perform on Tucker’s show last night. It was pussy-like when he used his phone as a stopwatch to highlight how long between intervals of injecting common sense from Carlson. The unearned fame has this pud believing he is above we common low IQ rubes. I believe he has a punchable face.

  6. so climate change causes increased applications of fertilizers in the midwest. Good grief this nye character is a moron and a stooge and a liar. Like every good liberal when they are pinned down, they talk talk talk talk talk. obozo was really good at this. that liar could talk a 15-minute blue streak uninterrupted and by then anyone who was not asleep forgot the original question. Nye was all over the place. With these climate hysterics, the catastrophe is always just around the corner. “Any day now when Florida is under water….” Nye tells us the ski industry is going to close down. Really. Ski areas in the West will be open until July this year and new England resorts are having a banner year. This climate change crap is a Nothingburger. I hope Trump shuts down all the funding from NSF, NOAA, NASA, USGS, EPA, and others, it is a huge waste and monumental ripoff.

  7. to follow up ….. liberals love to filibuster when they are caught lying. They think they have been invited on the show to filibuster and give a speech. When the host explains to them, no, that’s not why you are here, I brought you on for a conversation not a monologue. I asked a question, you keep not answering it, and I am trying to get an answer from you. Then this Nye douchebag, right on cue, holds up his nerdy little stopwatch and says “oh wah!! You keep interrupting me!” Yes he is interrupting you azzhole b/c you are filibustering and you are BSing and you don’t have the right to spew BS interrupted on Tucker’s show. If you want to spew BS interrupted get your own damned show — oh wait, you had one and I expect it tanked b/c you are a liar and a boring one at that.

  8. Bill Nye is the equivalent of that “black” woman Dolezal. He identifies as a scientist because he made up that persona as a comic routine in the early days of “Almost Live”, a local, Seattle, knockoff of SNL. I’m not kidding. It was the same show in which Nye was a routine cast member doing comedy sketches in which he also played a “High Fiving White Guy”, a superhero named “Speed Walker!”, a policemen in a regular sketch called “Cops! Seattle” and a number of other recurrent characters. His “Bill Nye, the Science Guy” routine caught on and he leveraged that into the show of the same title. His so-called “science guy” schtick was based solely on doing science fair exhibitions like a latter day “Mr. Science” (remember him?). In between Science Guy gigs, Nye exploits the popular perception that he is a real science guy. Last year I found out he is a spokesperson for some kind of esoteric greenie cleaning products and manned the small company’s booth at an industry show in Vegas or somewhere. He’s no more a scientist than the average mom or dad who knows household physics and chemistry.

  9. …I didn’t watch the Carlson video, but the place to get these ridiculous phonies is to go after their credentials. Nye and others who pretend to be authorities on climate, etc. should be asked to defend whatever background they have they think gives them more authority than the average person who’s done some reading on the internet on the given subject. It would be especially easy to go after one of the biggest phonies of all, Bill Ney, “The BS Artist Guy.”

  10. Nye is a lie.
    Judging by his Wiki, he is a nut bar.
    Those who can, do, those who can’t, pull the wool over the eyes of those dumb enough to listen.
    He was an entertainer, once considered marginally above a whore, now he has become a charlatan. All he needs is a robe and a sandwich board sign to fill out his crazy person resume.
    Tucker was having none of it, they still think they can out Tuck Tucker.
    Tucker needs a mic switch to cut the fruitcakes filibustering fake facts.

  11. This irritating schmuck went to Cornell and got a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. He took a couple astronomy classes from Carl the Butt-head Sagan there, and you can see how that makes him such an expert in “climate science”. He is just another member of the chattering class and should be summarily dismissed as big mouth entertainer at best.

  12. Simple solution for this douche bag charlatan liar. Pack his skinny, worthless ass into a capsule on top of a rocket and fire it directly into the Sun and let him experience the real cause of climate warming on a personal basis.

    What a total piece of human waste.

  13. I’m no scientist, but I think I now understand. People cause global warming. But we can’t get rid of people (or can we?) so we have to do the next best thing – remove the people’s money. Does that about sum it up, Mr. Nye?

  14. Chuck Darwin, this is what finally made me blow up my Smithsonian subscription…

    “…I was the only woman on the Security Council, and I decided to get some more costume jewelry. On good days, I wore flowers and butterflies and balloons, and on bad days, all kinds of bugs and carnivorous animals. I saw it as an additional way of expressing what I was saying, a visual way to deliver a message.”

  15. Beakman’s world was better.

    That was a good smack down. Nye was acting all righteous and dignified and snooty but if he had any actual “science” at all he would have been able to produce OBJECTIVE info not SUBJECTIVE info, AKA talking points.

    He’s a “science guy” yet all he could spout off was talking points. Seems he is “Bill Nye the propaganda guy”

  16. Anthropocentric Global Warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Globalist community to gain control of the resources of the entire Earth ‘For our own good’ to keep the stupid human race from ‘destroying the planet’ (and line their pockets in the mean time)
    Nye’s arrogance is the umbrage of the Liar, who has been exposed and is resorting to bluster to intimidate and stop inquiry.
    It is the Sun that controls the climate.
    Calling their mush of lies, propaganda and fraudulent data manipulation “Settled Science” is just another technique of the Anointed Class aimed at the Serf Class to discourage inquiry.
    I find it telling that the generation that gave us ‘Question Authority’ tries to stifle questions about their authority.

  17. So…. How about that little ice age? Or the Medieval Warming Period? Or the data cooked to make Mann’s Hockey Stick Graph support the predetermined outcome? Or the NOAA data that was cooked? Or the East Anglia e-mails?

    The only thing “settled” is that NOTHING is settled, except this is the greatest conspiracy ever promulgated upon the masses by the elites in the history of the galaxy.

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