Rachel Dolezal changes her name to… – IOTW Report

Rachel Dolezal changes her name to…

Rachel Dolezal — the white NAACP leader who pretended to be black for years — has reportedly changed her name to a West African moniker, meaning “gift of God.”

Of course she did.

h/t Dianny

43 Comments on Rachel Dolezal changes her name to…

  1. I read up on her. It’s no wonder anybody would even think of marrying her or hiring this tramp. She’s got too many issues. I doubt she’s much of a moral person with so many pathological deceptions under her belt. Such amoral behavior is a product of a detrimental, self-centered lifestyle (and it is a “lifestyle”) that usually hurts others more than the perpetrator. The biggie is not the lying, but the fact she’s simply a single white mom with a biracial son. That’s a tough number to live up to (Sorry, but biracial marriage will probably be forever unpopular with most regardless of the media and all the hype as to the wonders of such marriages).
    I know a white woman who got married to a white guy and had kids–after years of being divorced from a black man. Her second marriage was after her–black as black can get–son had grown and was on his own. How convenient. Some do “bury” the past by avoiding it and/or making sure it’s not in the present scheme of things. She’s also bisexual, which only complicates matters. The more shit you collect, the more you stink.

  2. After what she got caught doing her name is shit.
    What’s are the various words for shit in African languages?

    And she’s orange from spray-on tan?!
    She’s intent on insulting just about everyone’s intelligence. Even Fauxahontas must be impressed.

  3. Hmm, I want to identify as a person with an income of less than $10K so I dont have to pay my federal taxes. Can any proglodyte explain to me how my identifying as a lower middle class wage earner is any less genuine than her identifying as a black despite the code in her DNA proving otherwise?

  4. I only came here for the comments ! still laughing my ass off, thanks guys !

    i didn’t even read the story or care much about this broad, but the comments are the best.

  5. Meh, not impressed.
    Now, if she told us she now identifies as a male, middle aged Indian Software Engineer and wanted to be called Mr. Patel, I would arch my brows, and lift my glass of whiskey in a silent salute.

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