Leonardo DiCaprio is a Complete Idiot – IOTW Report

Leonardo DiCaprio is a Complete Idiot

Aren’t you just sick and tired of being lectured about your lifestyle by mega rich celebrities?

* Warning: Some impolite language.

10 Comments on Leonardo DiCaprio is a Complete Idiot

  1. I love to play over and over that bit from the movie Titanic where his homely
    girlfriend pushes him off the floating device and into the icy water to freeze to death! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  2. “Leonardo DiCaprio is a Complete Idiot”

    lmfao …. what was your first clue?

    to paraphrase the Three Stooges …. if brains were dynamite, he couldn’t blow his nose

  3. I like his acting and reading of someone else’s words.

    I see from WIKI Pee’d tha the is a HS drop out. Aren’t more liberal actors, is it a requirement or something?

    And I see he said ” In an interview in Russia, DiCaprio referred to himself as “half-Russian”” So shouldn’t he love Trump? Comrade?

  4. Lil Bitty Leo needs me to do his ‘personal eyebrow grooming’ done with lighter fluid.
    If some drips in his lap, he’ll feel his globals warming like never before.
    He just makes me want to kick his ass.
    I’d like to clunk his head against AlGore’s like Mo Howard would.

  5. Man I wish Paul Joseph Watson could get some widespread exposure. I watch all his vids and he nails it every time. I”d like to see Trump give him a few mentions.

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