Left Threatens Dem Senators Who Swim Away From the Sinking Ship – IOTW Report

Left Threatens Dem Senators Who Swim Away From the Sinking Ship

Diogenes’MiddleFinger: After Donald trump garnered accolades after his speech before a joint secession of congress Tuesday from some of the most unlikely members of the media and the left like Barky’s commie buddy Van Jones, and from the left side of the congressional aisle like Senator Joe Manchin, progressives who were already running around hysterically with their hair on fire completely burst into flames and are now threatening their own.

The Hill – “Progressives are threatening primary challenges for Democratic lawmakers who don’t commit to full obstruction of President Trump’s agenda.  Democrats already face a daunting 2018 landscape, with 10 senators up for reelection in states that Trump won. However, the threat of primaries foes going up against vulnerable Democrats such as West Virginia’s further complicates the party’s chances of coming out with a net victory. But the party’s left flank is convinced that a full embrace of progressivism is the only way to return to power, and it is ready to fight for the party’s soul. “

The website We Will Replace You states it’s mission statement and in it’s title the the veiled threat to uncooperative lawmakers:   MORE

10 Comments on Left Threatens Dem Senators Who Swim Away From the Sinking Ship

  1. “…the party’s left flank…is ready to fight for the party’s soul.”

    Before they fight for it, they better try to find it, because it probably doesn’t even exist.

  2. I hope you’re correct and their current tactics leads to their total self destruction.
    I know I’m sick & tired of heating & seeing the whiny voices and ugly faces of C Schumer, N Pelosi, A Fraken, E Warren and others daily grinding out their crapola.

  3. I wish the lunatics would finally find the edge and go ahead and commit suicide so I don’t have to keep changing the channel so much every night. Even on Fox it’s several morons a night. I could also deal with never seeing Shep Smith or Juan Williams ever again as well. Creepy douchebags!

  4. tricky Dick, try Fox Business (it’s much better) or try One America News Network (OANN), if it’s available on your cable service. IMO, regular Fox has turned weird since Murdoch sons (both Leftists) took over. I will never understand the lure of Communism….

  5. I said in a previous comment that the actual people the run the Democrats are behind the scenes and are likely planning a move to the centre (at least for awhile) and the ones like Pelosi and Warren are the old guard left out to catch bullets and keep the attention away from them. These hard left progressives are also cannon fodder no matter what they think. The surprise will come when Democrats like Manchin get the money and political support needed for re-election and the hard left finds themselves cut off. The Democrats aren’t self-destructing but they are house cleaning and rearranging the furniture to make them more desirable to the electorate. The more success Trump has the further to the center they will appear to move.

  6. I can easily see Manchin switching to the Republican Party. He’s clearly ill at ease with the Democrat Party as it lurches farther and farther to the far-Left. Plus, it would also prevent him from getting primaried by the batshit crazy nutjobs in the Democrat Party.

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