World’s First ‘Smart Condom’ Tracks Speed, Calories Burned During Sex – IOTW Report

World’s First ‘Smart Condom’ Tracks Speed, Calories Burned During Sex

BT: The self-described “world’s first smart condom,” i.Con, allows users to track their speed, velocity, and caloric burn during sexual intercourse.

“Have you ever wondered how many calories you’re burning during intercourse?” asks i.Con on their product page. “How many thrusts? Speed of your thrusts? The duration of your sessions? Frequency? How many different positions you use in the period of a week, month or year? Ever wondered how you stack up to other people from around the world?”  MORE

27 Comments on World’s First ‘Smart Condom’ Tracks Speed, Calories Burned During Sex

  1. Another “ME” idea from the left. Call ‘me’ old fashioned in thinking that there is a word is missing. I thought it was about, “love.”

    Who ya gonna please with that? “ME.”

  2. Feminists are speeding up the release of Pussyhat 2.0, which will be sporting a digital outrage meter, a credibility burn-rate indicator and a titanium foil lining to block Trump tweets.

  3. Can the smart rubber detect whether the guy is actually shagging someone or just doing “selfies” to bump up his “stats”? 😁

    @Viet Vet, good one!! 😂

  4. So what happens when you’re in the middle of – um, – “festivities” and your Smart Condom’s system crashes with the dreaded “Blue Screen of Death” (not to be confused with the Blue Waffle of Death, but we won’t go into that now) and locks up, preventing you from disengaging?

    Who you gonna call for help? Geek Squad?


  5. For all the flashy stuff and Aps – you have to remember,
    these Snowflakes are still wearing rubbers, ROTFTTGTRO
    (Rolling On The Floor Trying To Get The Rubber Off).

  6. It truly is a smart condom.
    First it links to your facebook account so it can tell all about you, and if you’re ready for that relationship, and delivers erection nullifying jolts if you have no business boffing the neighbor lady.
    Various ‘back doors’ have been designed in, one being the ‘Cheater’s fiery death’ mode, often purchased by wives and girlfriends.

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